Don't leave me

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   Hey guys! I'm just going to get into the chapter because most of you won't even read this after that cliff I left you on yesterday 😂. So Enjoy!

Also, sorry for the wait. Also, lol😂, Pretend that one of the wolf's in the picture is a fox.  Now Enjoy!

WARNING!: I'm not that good at righting fight sceans, so warning, the fight probably won't be that good. This time I'm telling the truth: NOW Enjoy!
Jk! Jk!

Jk again! 😂😂😂😂 Enjoy! ____________________________________

I watched. To in shock to move. We had just reached the door. Almost out of this place. Then out of nowhere Jack showed up. Then a few cringy insults later and here we are. Alex jumped on Jack, shifting into his wolf mid-air. Jack quickly dodged it and shifted. They both attacked and I watched as they snared there teeth at one another. After a lot of scratching and biting, Jack pushed Alex against a wall. O heard a crack, and then a wiper from Alex. JackI suddenly got really scared.  Jack was right about to bite Alex's neck, when a nother wolf came out of now were and tore out Jacks neck, killing him instantly. Who is that wolf? I would say a solider, but he doesn't have pack scent on him. He doesn't smell like a rogue ethier. That must mean he's a lone wolf. We locked eye contact for a second before he turned and ran away. Who was that? The sound of Alex whimpering caused me to rush to his side imeadietly. "Alex!" Some pack soilders came and handed me some cloths as Alex shifted. He was to weak to stay in wolf form. I helped him put them on as everyone else turned away. He had cuts and bruises every were. On his face, arms, legs, and probably his back to. I couldn't tell if he had any on his stumic because it was covered in bood. He had a huge gash on his stumic that will probably need stiches. "Alex? Stay awake ok? Don't fall asleep?" I could tell he was getting weak from the blood loss and he was about to pass out. "Rosy, I-I-" I didn't want him using up all his energy on talking. "Shhhh, it's ok."
"No, I-I love you." and with that he passed out. "Alex don't leave me!"

We rushed him to the hospital and I waited for any news. Is it true what he said? Does he love me? Maby he just said that cause he thought he was going to die? I don't know anymore! The doctor came out and I almost sprinted over to him. Key word 'Almost' I tripped over one of those chairs you see in the waiting room (A/n Idk what to call them)  "Are you alright?" The doctor asked concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine. Any news?" I asked him desperately. "Yes, other then all the scratches and bruises he has a broken rib and sraned ankle. His wolf should heal that quickly though so he should be fine." Thank goodness. I almost had a heart attack from worry. "So can I see him now?" I need to see him ASAP! "Yes." That's all he needed to say for me to turn around and head to his room. Wait! I don't know what room he's in. "Doctor?" I asked turning around. "Yes?" I feel almost stupid asking this after I almost ran out of the waiting room. "What room is he in?" The doctor chucked and said " room 284."
"Thank you!" I said. I was about to turn around and sprint to his room when the doctor stoped me. "Rosalie?" I gave him a confused look. "Yeah?"
"There's something you should know about his condition." What is he talking about? "What is it doc?" I'm worried know. If I didnt have a heart attack earlier, surly I might have one know. "Rosalie, Alex is in a coma."

Sorry for the cliff hanger again! They just keep piping into my head as a way to end the chapter. I promise the book won't end in one though. Also I started school yesterday so I won't be able to update as often. On the bright side though a lot of funny things happened yesterday and I'm pretty sure I might turn all the crazy stuff that happens at my school into a book. Do you guys think I should? Another good thing though is I don't go back to school until Tuesday so I might spend the weekend righting a bunch of chapters so I can still post one everyday. Idk though. I update soon. Thanks guys! Also, 2.41k reads?!?!?!?! Thank you all for reading my book. I love that you guys love it so much. Thank you all! 

Thank you!💋

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