The search begins

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Hey guys! I know I said I would update this morning, but I wanted to give you guys time to read my last chapter. Also, if i'm being honest, this chapter wasn't do finished this morning. 😬😬😬😂😂😂 The reads are going up to fast for me to post a chapter every 100 reads like I have been. So this chapter is in honor of both 400 and 500 reads. Thank you all again, I had no idea this book would get so many reads, so fast. Thank you! And enjoy this chapter. Also Random Question: should I stop these random questions?

O, and if you guys want you can check out my profile. In that little section called conversation (Idrk what to call it lol 😂) I will keep you posted on when I post a new chapter, or when I'm working on one and what time I will expect it to be up. Thank you all again! Enjoy!

I woke up in a dark room. The memories of last night flooding back. Once I relized what happened I got really scared. Then I herd footsteps. I saw the door across the room open after what sounded like it being unlocked. I saw the light fill in the room and covered my eyes. The light was blinding. When I could finnaly see who it was, I couldn't belive my eyes.

Alex's pov.

I was going crazy. It's been two days and we haven't found her. How could they just take her without anyone noticing? 'Ugghh! We have to find her.' I hear my wolf say on my head. 'I know.' I reply. 'We will'

Rosalie's pov.

It was.....(pause for effect 😂😂)
It was a old friend of mine. His name is Jack. We dated when we were fifteen bit when we weren't mates I decided I didn't wan't to be dating when I did meet my mate. That didn't stop him from flirting with me though. I told him many times we couldn't be together. I told him that if we were together he would reret it when he found his mate. Then one day he found her. She was one of the sweetest girls in the pack. Maby if I were more girly we could have been best friends. I was happy he found his mate. He stoped bothering me and that was the last time I heard from him or seen him, until now. That was three years ago. "Rosalie, glad to see you again." Has he come to rescue me? "Jack what are you doing here?" Hopefully he is. He let out a chuckle. "What do you mean? I brought you hear." So he's not rescuing me. Well, this bites. Now how do I escape? "Why though?"
"So you could come be with me instead of that stupid wolf." if you didn't figure it out. He's a fox, and so is his mate. His mate! "What about your mate?"
"She died in a car crash, a log with my son. And she was pregnant with my daughter." I kinda felt bad now. I mean I have known him my whole life. He's like my best friend that i've dated. "I'm sorry." She was a sweet girl, and I bet her children were the same. "Don't me, I spent a year grieving over them. And I came to the conclusion I'll date you again." is he crazy? "Jack we can't be together i've told you this. I have a mate."
"I know, which is why if he dies like my mate did then maby you will see that we should be together." wait he's going to kill Alex? "But you can't kill him." I tried to attack him but I realised a gold chain was attached to my wrist keeping me stuck there. Gold does the same thing to foxes, that silver does to wolf's. "O, but I can and I will." He let out a evil laugh before walking out the door, and locking it. Why did I ever date him? Now he's going to kill Alex! I started crying. That night I cried myself to sleep. Something I got used to doing since my parents died.

Also the cover of this chapter has nothing to do with the chapter. I just thought it looked cool and would fit this situation perfectly. Thank you! The next chapter will be posted soon. Most likly tomrrow.

Thank you!💋

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