New book!!!!(plz read)

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So I know this book wasn't the best. I was testing the water. This was my first book on wattpad, and I can't belive it's finished!!!!! 😢

The next book will be better, I promise. Speaking of.... It's out! And coming April  1st.


This is Not. I repeat, NOT. An April fools prank.

There really is a new book. Here's the description:

Secrets and Lies 🌹

Everyone knew him. Everyone knew not to mess with him. Everyone knew the evil lurking inside him. What everyone didn't know? He was about to change. All cause of her.

Josh Evans. People call him many things. Cold. Dark. Evil. Spoiled. One name people never thought to call him, was caring.

When Josh see's her for the first time? He can't do anything other than care. When he realises she doesn't know who he is? He makes sure she never finds out.

Ava Smith. Although she didn't have the best upbringing, she's determined to make a better life for herself.

One day, upon her arivle in the small town of Fort Collins. She meets him. What she doesn't realise is there are many secrets that come with this encounter.

What happens when one day someone accidentally slips, and tells Ava a secret she never thought was possible? What will Josh do when he realise what this secret it, and just how much it affects him?

After all, secrets speak louder when spoken by the wrong person.


Thanks for reading my book 💋

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