And the answer you've all been waiting for...

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100 reads!!!! Omg guys, you have no idea how happy this makes me! Thank you all so much. I now I already posted today but I'm so happy about reaching 100 reads, so this chapter is in honor of all of you reading my book. Thank you so much for all the support!!! Enjoy!!!!

He pulled be back and looked at me with confusion. "I'm sorry, your a great guy and all.." I looked up at him and couldnt wait any longer. I burst out laughing and he just stared at me. Hurt and confusion clearly in his eyes. "Are you ok?" Omg! I can't belive him. "Seriously?" I stared at him. "What?" He's honestly crazy if he believed that. "Yes, dummy." I hit him playfully. "What." he doesn't get it does he? "Yes! Of course I'll go out with you! I'm not crazy!" a look of relief was he over him and he let out a breath. "Really!?" Is he serious right know? "Yes, really!" I exlamed. He pulled me back into a hug and picked me up of the ground. "Don't ever scare me like that again." I can't belive I fell for this guy.

Alex pov.

When Rosalie said no I felt like my whole world was going to come crashing down. So can only imagine how relived I was to find out she was joking and her answer was yes. I can't belive she did that though. I mean, I new she was crazy but I didn't think it would go this far. She needs help, she really had me scared for a second. I think she needs to learn how to make a actually good joke. I can teach her that on our date though. Speaking of date I have to ask her. I walked into the kitchen only to find her baking and singing to some song I didn't know. Don't tell her that though cause she seems to like it and she will probably kill me for not k owing it. I snuck up behind her and pulled her into a hug. I must of scared her because she screamed and elbowed me in the gut.

Rosalies pov.

I was just baking and singing along to my favorite song. "Cry pretty" by Carrie Underwood. (I'm a country fan. Don't judge.) When someone came up behind me. I freaked out, like any sane person would. I thought it was a kidnapper or something. So I let out a scream of warning and elbowed my attacker in the gut. Although, when I turned around to see who it was, it wasn't a kidnapper. It was Alex. " Know I know not to sneak up on you. Lesson learned I guess." Is that a refrance? The song I was listing to was by Carrie Underwood. She has a song called "Lessons Learned" Does he like Carrie's music to?! So I asked him. "You know Carrie Underwood?" I hope he does. "Huhhh?"
"Carrie Underwood, I was just lisning to her. She has a song called "Lesons Learned"
"O, no, I don't know her." O, ok. It must have just been a coincidence then. WAIT....WHAT!? "So, your telling me you don't know who she is?"
"Nope" He said popping the "p". I can't belive he doesn't know who my favourite singer is. We really need to go on a date. Then, as if reading my mind, he asked. "So, you wanna go out for dinner?"

Thank you again for a amazing 100 reads!!! I'm so happy you all love my story that much. And if you don't then... Why are you still reading??? Jus kidding lol. Read if you want to. Also I just realized I havn't been doing the Random Question. Soooo..... Random Question 2: favorite Ice-cream flavor??? 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦

Thank you!💋

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