O no.

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Hey guys! I'm sooo sooo sooo sorry for not updating in a while. I have had so much homework. Today is the first day that I have not had a lot of homework. Ill let you read know. You have waited to long already. 😂😂Enjoy! Thank you!!! And sorry again!!!

Rosalie's pov.

"Alex is in a coma." Those 5 words were on repeat in my head. It's been a month since I heard those words I had been dreading. That was one month ago. And it's been one week since I found out something that broke me more. I was 3 months pregnant. How I wished Alex could be awake so I could share the news with him. I don't know how long he will be in the coma, but hopfuly he wakes up soon. Or at least before the baby is born. I'm scared that he won't ever wake up. I miss him. "Rosalie.... come down here please." I heard my mother yell from downstairs. Her voice was laced with a emotion I could not place. "Be right down." Me and Alex"s parents took back the role of leading the pack. At least until he wakes up. Then we will wait a few months before descusing who should lead the pack.
When I got down stairs I saw everything was quit. Weird. "Mom? You down here?" I thought she called me. "In here hunny." Fear. That's the emotion, fear. I walked into the living room to see my mom cring on the floor. We were the only ones home and know I was confused. "Mom? You ok?" What's going on? Did Alex die? My heart stared racing. Please don't let it be true. "Rosalie, I'm sorry. They treated to ki-" She stoped suddenly and looked behind me. I slowly turned around and was met by a gun pointing at my head. Holding the gun was a man. He was big and buff. Not the kind of man I would be able to fight. O no. There were two other men in the room. All with the same build up. All with guns. "Your coming with me." said the man with the gun that was currently on my head. "No!!!!" Screamed my mother. I was to shocked to do anything. "You promised not to kill her!" My heart stared pounding. There going to kill me? "And we won't." Few. "We will just take her." What!? "I won't let you." He moved the gun to point it at my mother. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." I freak out. "No no no no no! Take me! Just don't kill her!" I was close to tears by know. I saw him smile. "Good! We need someone to deliver this message anyway." He handed a envolope to my mother. "Lets go." He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the house. On the way out I saw my mother start crying even more. If that's possible.

Alex's pov.

I woke up in a hospital room. A few minutes later the door opened and my father walk in. "How long was I out?" Hopfuly not long. Rosy probably needs me. "5 months." 5 Months! That long? Wow! Rosy definitely needed me! Speaking of Rosy... "Wares Rosy?" His face grew said as he sat on the end of the bed. "Son..." I grew panicked! Is she hurt. "Just listen. Don't freak out till I'm done explaining please." Why would I freak out? Why? Did something happen to her while I was in that coma? I just nodded my head. I couldnt speak. I was to scared. "She was kidnapped yesterday while we were out. Only her mom was at the house with her. These men with guns came and kidnapped her. They gave us a letter." I was frozen. "What? She was kidnapped!? Again!?" I grew panicked. "Yes son. Don't worry though. We will find her." He's right. We will find her. I calmed a little knowing that. That is until... "Son?"
"Yes, dad?"
"It's about the letter."
"What about it?"
"It's addressed to you."

Sorry again for the long wait. And this cliff hanger. I was thinking cause of school I would start writing on Saturdays or Sundays. Many both. Sorry you have to wait. 😬😬😬

Thank you!💋

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