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200 reads?!?!?! You guys have no Idea how happy it makes me that you like reading my book. Thank you all! And don't worry in the next few chapters things start to get interesting. Also Rosalies dress is the cover of this chapter. Enjoy!!!

"So you wanna go out for dinner?" Was he kidding? Of course I did. That would mean I didn't have to cook. "Of course! That means I don't have to cook!" I really didn't want to cook. Don't judge, I'm lazy. He let out a small chuckle. "Ok, then. Be ready by seven?" This is going to be fun. WAIT... WHAT? He wants me to be ready by seven? Its like 6:30. "Seven?" This can't be right. "Yup." He said popping the "P" I hate it when he does that. "But it's like 6:30. He was doing something on his phone know. "Yeah, so?" So? Is he serious? I can't be ready in less than thirty  minutes. "So? So, what. I need at least an hour, and that's if I rush." He puts away his phone and looks at me like I have ten heads. "An hour. It only takes me like ten to twenty minutes." He is so clueless about every thing. "That's because your a boy, and you don't care what you look like. I have to shower, lick a outfit and get dressed, do my hair and makeup, and put on my jewelry." It's going to take me way more then thirty minutes. "That is not true, boys care very much what they look like. Also If your so worried about having no time, why are you wasting it talking to me? Not that I mind or anything." He's right, I only have like twenty-five minutes now! As I rush to get ready, Alex is standing there with a amused smirk in his face. It's moments like these when I wonder, Why did I agree to go out with him. I mean, I now he's my mate and all, but seriously, why? I got ready and put on my favorite blue dress. I met Alex by the door and saw he was wearing a black tux. 

I wonder witch reasteraunt we were going to

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I wonder witch reasteraunt we were going to. "Hey, Alex." I swear if he makes some sort of remark I'm going to slap him. "Hey Rosy" So I slaped him. Not hard though. I mean he was buying me food. Well I don't know if he knows he's paying. "What was that for?" He knows what it was for. "For making that remark. I was just going to ask were exactly were we going." For some reason at that moment I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. I shrugged it of though, the worse thing that could happen though is him making me cook. Just the thought gave me chills. "That's for me to know and you to find out." What? "What?" I'm confused know. "You asked were we were going and I'm not telling you." O, yeah! Wait he's not telling me? Maby that's why I got a bad feeling. "Why can't you tell me?" I was getting averaged with him at this point. "Because it's a surprise." I hate supprises. "Just tell me! I hate supprises!" I was so close to slapping him again. "To bad." So I did what any logical person would do. I slapped his arm. "Hey." And then I said "If you don't tell me were were going I won't come and you can go alone." I crossed my hands over my chest to add effect. He thought about this for a second and I though I had won. I waited for him to tell me. Then he did the last thing I expected. He walked over to me and picked me up. He put me over his shoulder and walked over to the car. Ignoring my kicking and screaming for him to put me down. Then he put me down. But not on the ground, in the car. He then buckled me in. "I can do that myself you know." I stated, trying not to look at him. "I know." He said smiling. Uggghh! He closed the door and went over to his side and buckled in. I huffed and crossed my arms. I look out my window. I felt him stare at me for a second but I didn't care. I was on strike. He sighed and started the car. Soon we pulled into Applebees. Well know I now were we will be eating. I realised then that it was the Applebees in the wolf pack territory. Meaning there will be wolf's everywere. "Are you still mad at me?" It took me at minute to realise what he said. "Yes." I was still looking out the window. "Well don't be you know were were going now." No kidding. "O and rosy, I thought because were alweas surrounded by foxes in your territory we would eat in my territory. I mean it's only fair." I wasn't looking at him, but I knew he was smirking. Well jokes on him I'm not getting out of the car. Untill he said "Do you want to walk in or do you want me to carry you in?" I knew he would and because he's the alpha's son, no one would stop him. So I got out and stopped over to the restaurant doors. door. I ignored Alex when I heard him chuckle. I knew I was acting childish but I really didn't care. We walked in and took are seats.

Alexs pov.

Rosy's little fit was somewhat amusing but I wanted her to stop ignoring me. The waiter came by and we placed our orders. He stared at rosy and that made me angry. I made a mental note to talk to him later. I reconised him from our pack. Well everyone here except rosy is from our pack. When the waiter left I look at rosy. She still wasn't looking at me. I decided to break the silence. "You know this is were my dad took my mom on a first date." she didn't answer. I just stared at her. Then she looked at me and said "Can you stop staring at me?" Nope. "So your talking to me now?" I couldn't help but smirk. She huffed and was about to look away again when someone came rushing to put table. I recognised him as one of the pack soldiers. "Alex?" His voice sounded panicked. "Yes?" Me and Rosy were both looking at him now. She seemed to have snapped out of her fit. I couldn't wait till we got back to our date. "It's your parents." This got my attention. "What about them?" I was now worried. "We just got word that the hotel they were staying in caught fire. We don't know who survived."    

Random Question 3: Do you think there parents died or survived?

Thank you!💋

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