Field trip gone wrong Part 1.

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Edit: This book is going through some editing, I'm just fixing some grammar mistakes and things that you guys comment about that I wrote wrongly. So if you've read these chapters already, feel free to skip them!

Peter's point of view

I was in Science class taking notes when the bell rang, students (me) started to pack up as it was the last class of the day and we were cut off by Mrs Johnson .

"Wait! Before you leave please take these forms home to be signed by your parents . We were lucky enough to score a tour of The Avengers Compound!"

Cheers from my classmates where heard around the class as I sat there in shock.

Dad barely ever let schools tour around the compound. He must have planned it. I was technically touring my house. That I share with superhumans.

Not only is this going to risk my identity of being a stark ( I was adopted when I was 15 now I'm 18) but also my identity as Spiderman.

This is going to be a long week.


I tried my best and begged mom to let me stay at stark towers instead of going to the compound but she didn't give in. She said I already missed to many days from missions . So here I am on a school bus going to my own house.

"Yo! Penis Parker! Can't wait to meet your buddy Tony Stark!" Flash said with obvious sarcasm not believing I know Tony Stark.

"Fuck off flash. Just because your too dumb to get an internship with Tony Stark doesn't mean Peter isn't ."
MJ glared at flash defending me. We can all agree that she is the dominant one in the relationship.

"What's the matter Jones? Scared I'm gonna embarrass your little boyfriend?" MJ just gave him a middle fingered and ignored him.

"Just ignore him , he's just jealous." Ned  comforted me as MJ kept reading her book.

It's senior year, and time flied by. It was traumatizing when aunt may died but Dad brought me in. Both Ned and MJ know about both my secrets and they respect my need of keeping my identity. We all changed since freshman year, Ned was less into Lego's and more into girls which was a huge change. He is currently dating Betty Brant and has been for 5 months, but still a nerd nevertheless. MJ became closer to both me and Ned and revealed her feelings to me ( also how she knew I was spider-man) during a battle where she was in trouble.

We shortly arrived at the compound and walked in. I immediately saw our intern Carrie and she walked over to us.

"Hi, I'm Carrie and I will be your guide today." She started handing out passes to my classmates. "These will let you enter into the building. All you need to do is scan it onto the glass plate and you will be allowed in. Let me show you." She scared her pass and FRIDAY spoke up.

"Level 4 access. Welcome back Carrie."

"Thanks FRIDAY, so just do that and you'll be permitted in." She told the class as they were amazed at the AI's voice. "Did anyone not get a pass?"

"Penis and his group of dorks didn't get any!" Flash called out.

"Penis? Who is Penis?" Carrie scared the crowd and found Peter and his friends. She ran to them.

"Mr . Parker! Welcome back ! Mr stark informed me that you and you friends didn't need one." Carrie said as she knew he was an avenger.

Oh course dad said that.

"Yeah that's fine Carrie."

"It's my pleasure."Carrie replied to my answer.

"Why doesn't he need a pass!?" Flash asked outraged.

"Mr. 'Parker' and his friends have their own passes." Carrie asked confused and students started going through.

" Level 1 guest access. " FRIDAY said at least 20 times.

It was now Ned and Michelle's turns.

" Level 6 access , welcome back Ned. Peter is currently at school, would you like me to inform him that's you're here.?"

"No it's okay FRIDAY!"

" Level 6 access , welcome back MJ, Peter is currently not here, would you like me to inform him when he comes back? "

"No thanks FRIDAY." MJ answered the AI.

I then scanned my pass and went through.

"Level 10 access. Welcome back Peter, would you like me to inform Mr stark that you have arrived?"

"No! It's fine!" I told FRIDAY as the rest of the class was speechless.

"But, but, why does Peter have level ten access ? He's just an intern. "
Flash shuddered seeing that he did have an 'internship'.

"I'm Mr Stark's personal intern."

"Anyways , follow me and we will go into the lower labs first." Carrie explained


"Now these are the lower level labs, where most of the interns, and newer employees work. This lab is mostly about robotic work and engineering while the lab behind you works on chemistry." Carrie said pointing to the labs. " Now let's head up to the labs of Mr Stark."

"This one in Mr Stark's, This one is Dr. Banner and this one is Mr Parker's."

"Why does Penis have his own lab? Interns don't have labs." Flash asked confused.

"'Peter', does in fact have his own lab."

"Can we go in?" Betty asked.

"That is Mr Parker's decision. Peter?" Carrie asked.

"Yeah sure." I pulled bout my pass and scanned it in the door as the glass doors opened to see my lab. I was glad to see that Dad cleaned it up a bit. There were multiple things out that I was working on. Such as new web shooters, upgrading Nat's widow bites and Clint's arrows.

"Don't touch anything." I warned my classmates as they roamed around the lab which was most likely twice the size of their houses. (It's 2000 square feet)

Ned just briefly looked around and fixed some stuff I was working on while MJ picked up some knives and started throwing them at targets. I had them there when Nat is mad and comes here to talk about it. Nat's also training MJ. MJ perfectly threw all 8 daggers and they all hit bulls eye.

Students that were watching 's eyes widened as they saw how she did that with ease.

..... lunch....

We were on the open grass area as we ate when Flash came up to me.

"Yo Penis, even if you do have an internship, I don't believe you know Tony Stark. You must have hacked the AI." He sneered at me."I blankly looked at him and replied. "OK"

"Hey, I'm talking -"

"Peter Watch out!"

I pushed Flash onto the ground as I caught two items.

An arrow.

And a shield.

Part two will be up shortly, this was too long so I split it into two parts. Hope you liked it!


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