Not trespassing.

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PS. I got this idea from somewhere but I can't remember where! If you find the writer if the original idea, please comment so I can tag him/her.

It was a normal day for the Avengers, well considering that they don't have to save the world or anything they decided to hang out.

Peter, being an Avenger of 3 years now(BTW, he is 21), was having the time of his life at the compound. They were playing games and watching movies, doing what superheroes usually do.

They were in the middle of Never have I ever when Tony asked this question.

"Never have I ever NOT have a girlfriend." Aiming the question at Peter, wanting him to do something embarrassing but that moment never came.

"Wait, you've had a girlfriend Peter??? Why didn't you tell us?? Or more of HOW YHE HECK DID WE NOT FIND OUT??????!!!! " Clint yelled out confused of how the youngest avenger had a girlfriend without two master assassins find out.

"Um, guys. I have a girlfriend now. She's still my girlfriend." Peter told them cautiously.

"Okay... you have got to tell us everything...."

"Oh, in okayyyy. I met her in Freshman year. Been friends since Sophomore Year. Asked her out in Junior Year. So we've been together for about 4 years?"

"Woah. You managed to keep this a secret for FOUR years?!"



MJ jumped of her motorcycle and took her helmet off. She looked at the tall building and shook her head.

She walked in and went through the detector and heard FRIDAY.

"Hello Miss Jones, it's not like you to arrive this early. You are usually her after midnight."

"Haha FRIDAY, I'm here to see Peter, what floor is he on?"

"Mr Parker is currently on the 92ND floor with the rest of the Avengers."

"Thanks FRIDAY"

MJ walked into the private elevator and made her way up to the 92ND floor.

....... With peter .......

Suddenly a loud shout was heard across the room.


The Avengers Got up immediately and took a fighting stance, ready to fight whoever barged in.

Expecting to see some sort of Monster, they were quite surprised to see a tall curly haired and also quite sexy young woman in a rage.

Expecting to see some sort of Monster, they were quite surprised to see a tall curly haired and also quite sexy young woman in a rage

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Tony, who was extremely confused of how this lady got into the tower took his stance.

"Excuse me miss, but you are trespassing. How did you get pass FRIDAY?"

MJ look at him as if he was dumb.
"How did I get pass an AI? Maybe it's because I'm NOT TRESPASSING!"

Peter, who just got out of his shaken stance, ran up to MJ trying to calm everyone down.

"MJ! What are you doing here?!"

MJ made another 'are you stupid?' Expression and explained.

"I don't know, why would I be here? It's not like I should be worried at all that my very own boyfriend disappeared for a whole month, didn't reply to any of my texts or calls,the day after I saved him from bleeding himself to death."

"Oooohhhh..... yeah...... I forgot?"

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