She was Family

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So..... Okay.... first I've got to thank yo guys for 90k reads!!!!! That's insane!!!!! You guys are so amazing!!!! Now, I've seen a lot of Peter's funeral fanfics and I did one myself. But, I've never seen one of MJ... so... considered yourself warned.....

Not many people knew about Peter's family, let alone MJ's connection to them. Not even MJ's own mother, Meredith Jones knew about her daughter's 'other family '

So, when one day Meredith Jones opened her front door to see all the Avengers including her daughter's fiancé she was more than shocked. She stood there for a solid three minutes just staring.

But she broke down when she heard that her only child was gone. At the young age of 22 her little girl was dead, after being tortured by Hydra trying to get to Spider-Man.

She was incredibly thankful for the Avengers offer to take care of the funeral as they said MJ was family. She knew MJ was secretive, but didn't know this was what she was hiding.


The world was confused to why there was a gigantic funeral when all the Avengers were alive and well. Who could be the one who passed? Then, Tony Stark went up to the stage next to the wooden casket and talked into the microphone.

"You must all be wondering who we are honouring today. Today we are honouring a very beautiful soul. Today we are honouring Michelle Jones. You might be wondering who Michelle was? Well, she was one of the sassiest people I've ever met. Her smarts could rival mine. She knew how to handle situations that a teenager should never half to go through. She kept the team together, ready to set her tragic childhood to the side to give comfort to whoever needed it. Michelle Jones was more than a friend. She was family. She kept secrets for the Avengers. And she would be proud that this one is coming out today. Michelle Jones was going to be my daughter in law. And here to explain, please welcome Peter Stark to the stage."

Peter walked on stage , looking like he hadn't slept in weeks( which he hadn't) and noticeable tears streaming down his face."

" Um... Hi. I'm Peter Stark.! You might know me as Peter Parker. Or even Spider-Man. Yes, I'm Spider-Man . Michelle, who liked to be called MJ was the most beautiful person in the galaxy. She was the love of my life. We were going to get married. I tried so hard to keep her safe, but I failed her. I let her get hurt. Now she's gone forever. I miss you MJ. I miss you so much."

Little did he know, a certain young woman was smiling at him. He transparent body in front of his. Glistening clear tears streaming down her face.

" I miss you too."

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