Baby Pete Meets the Avengers

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TThe Press like to believe that they know everything about Tony Stark's life , they kinda do. But there is something almost no one would have thought . 

Tony Stark had a child.

Yes, he did knock up some person named Mary and child protection services came when Mary was in an accident that resulted the child to only have one parent.

So, how did the avengers find out?

Well, it was when Tony was cradling Little 4 year old Peter in his arms, both of them asleep when Nick Fury woke them up by calling Tony.

" What do you want Nick? I'm kinda busy here." Tony asked frustrated that his child was rudely awakened.

"We need to have an Avengers meeting at Stark Tower. Immediately . It's urgent."

" Isn't everything? Fine. What time will they arrive?"

"20 minutes . Bye."

" Hey, Peter . I need you to wake up. Daddy has an annoying meeting to go to. You want to find Pepper?" Tony tapped on the child,walking him up. He just nodded and fell back asleep
He found Pepper in her office and placed Peter on the couch continuing to let him sleep.

Then there was the meeting. The six Avengers and one director all sat in one of the conference rooms at Stark tower. Sitting in a circle talking about whatever they needed to talk about . That was until a light push of the door revealed his most treasured secret.

The room was silent , everyone staring at the young child.

"Hey buddy, something woke you up?" Tony asked the little boy, and Peter simply nodded. He held his blanket close to his body as his teddy was dragging on the floor behind him as he walked up to his father and curled in his lap.

The silence was cut when Pepper burst in the room with a panicked look on her face.
"Tony! I can't find Peter! Oh... I'll just leave"

Tony chuckled to himself as Peter started to fall back ain't I sleep .

" Okay, what's next?"

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