Chapter Six.

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October 22nd, Monday

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October 22nd, Monday.
Chapter Six.

"...I want to save them. I want to save all of them. But they're gone, aren't they? They're all dead. Well technically, they're the living dead..."


"We're here!" Reed cheered beside me, drumming his hands on the steering wheel.

"Shut up." Brad groaned from the backseat where he obviously just woken from the nap he'd been taking for the past hour.

I was sat in the passenger seat beside Reed, who'd managed to make my stomach and face hurt from smiling and laughing so much.

We'd been driving for the past five hours, since around eight this morning when we'd all woken, packed the cars and left. We'd all taken turns at driving today, including myself which felt weird to be doing again considering the last time I was behind the wheel I hit a zombie with my car. I was only driving a few days ago, yet now it felt like it was a lifetime ago.

Brad had been quiet since he'd woken up this morning, and by quiet, I mean he hadn't talked to me... At all. Only ever replying to everyone's questions with a grunt or a nod. He was back to the same grumpy person I'd met only a few days ago. I wondered if I'd imagined our interaction. But the bags under his eyes and the way he was napping whenever he could, told me that what had happened in the early hours of the morning had definitely happened and he too, was tired. Except my anxiety and anxiousness for today was what was keeping me awake and alert.

We regularly swapped and changed drivers. Including the brief hour where I drove, and Reed claimed the backseat. Falling asleep instantly, his snoring being the only thing stopping Brad and I from experiencing silent awkwardness.

Neither of us spoke. No one daring to talk about the early hours of this morning. The snoring stopped and Reed's voice has filled the car ever since. Because when Reed was awake there was no silence. He's one of those people who no matter what situation you are in, he can still make you smile and laugh. And I really liked that about him.

Whilst Reed, Brad and I travelled in the black car, Landon, Calvin, and Jack all travelled in the red car in front of us. The van was ditched when it didn't start this morning, the battery died, and we didn't have time to mess around with it.

My heart skipped a beat as we drove over our first state boarder. One of many to come. We'd been driving along every back road that we could meaning the journey was taking us a lot long than it would have if we'd just been taking the freeway.

We, thankfully, didn't run into any trouble whilst I was behind the wheel. Reed claimed that he'd ran down a few zombies whilst he was driving, and I was napping. And whilst Brad was driving, all of us being awake, he managed to dodge a group or (as Calvin informed us) a hoard of zombies coming into a town.

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