Chapter Twenty Seven.

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November 11th, Sunday

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November 11th, Sunday.
Chapter Twenty Seven.

'...They say home is where your heart is. But what if my heart is now shattered on the floor, broken into a million tiny pieces? What does that say about my home now...'


I rolled over, turning in Brad's arms yet again. I was surprised I hadn't woken him considering I'd been tossing and turning every few minutes for the past few hours. No matter how long I tried to lie still and will myself to sleep it just wasn't happening.

I opened my eyes, letting out a sigh of frustration as I came face to face with Brad who had been sleeping peacefully for hours. Or at least I'd thought he was sleeping peacefully. It was only when his face scrunched up tightly and when his arm that was slung over my waist held me tighter that I realized he was having what I assumed to be a nightmare.

His body tensed and I realized just how warm his whole body felt. I wondered if he was sweating beneath the t-shirt and shorts that he was wearing despite how chilly it was outside of our cocoon we'd made underneath a blanket.

I reached my left hand up, placing it softly on his cheek as I faintly stroked his scruffy skin. A beard was slowly starting to grow on him, and I tried to picture what he'd look like with facial hair... The thought disappeared as soon as his face smoothed out, not looking as scared as he had been. His body relaxed significantly, his grip on me loosened just a little, and his breathing became slow and deep once again.

I continued to soothe him by stroking his face, selfishly wishing it'd be the other way around and that I could get a peaceful nights rest.

The sound of deep breaths, occasional rolling, and a snore that I was positive came from Caleb sounded every now and then. It beat laying in dead silence. I'd been in a consent state of denial and agitation. Wondering when the next shoe would drop and what disaster was around the corner. What misfortune we'd stumble upon, who we'd lose next all whilst and despite knowing the fact we were safe here tonight. It still didn't stop my mind from running and stop my subconscious from keeping me wide awake.

I saw a shadow move in the dim light just over Brad's shoulder, so my hand slid from his face, and I used it to lift myself up a little to see Landon in the doorway. He'd taken over the watch shift from Jack, exchanging spots to keep watch on the rest of us.

I could see his flashlight moving as he moved so silently around the room that I wondered if he'd been lying about his profession this whole time and he was really an assassin. He moved so quietly, barely said much, and had a great aim and knowledge of guns it was very intimidating. He fit the stereo type really well.

I saw one of his hands holding his flashlight, pointing it out the nearest window as his other hand lifted to his mouth. He let out a silent yawn and I figured that he hadn't slept properly as well, if at all.

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