Chapter Twenty Eight - Bonus - Brad's Journal.

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Chapter Twenty Eight - Bonus - Brad's Journal.

Page 1.

Reed, don't even think about it you little shit – Brad.


Page 2.

Seriously if your name is Reed Webb, and you're trying to take a peek in here do not even think about it. I'm only writing this because I know that you'll be the first to try and get your sticky little fingers on it and try and read it. And truly, the only reason I'm even writing in this notebook is because Jack is watching me intently hoping I'm actually writing down something useful. He and Calvin think it'd be a good idea to have a written record of what we're experiencing and going to see? I don't know, they shoved the book and pen into my hands and said start writing. I'll just continue to write whatever in here, so they think I'm actually being useful. – Brad


Page 3.

I don't even know why I'm doing this and writing in this stupid thing. Blah, blah, blah this shit is so stupid. More writing and bullshitting to pretend I'm being productive to please the guys. - Brad


Page 4 & 5 & 6.

Okay, Calvin very quickly figured I was bullshitting my way through this and so he's gave me a rough script to follow. *Cough, cough* Ladies and gentlemen here is the story of the adventure we're about to take on in a real-life zombie apocalypse.

Let me first start off by telling you who we are (like anyone's going to read this). My name is Brad, the one writing and the best and most handsome of us all. There's also Reed who's an idiot, but a good friend of ours who never seems to shut his damn mouth. He gives us a good laugh every now and then, so I guess we'll keep him around. We also have Calvin and Landon; both are good friends of ours as well. Landon's a good guy, always angry at the world but we wouldn't trade him for anything. Calvin is the genius of our group and despite the fact he keeps telling me no, I believe he has a photographic memory. And last but not least, we have my stepbrother, Jack. Although he'd never actually say that out loud, that's legally who we are to each other and although the first time I met him he gave me a wedgie, laced my dinner with locatives and tried to blame me for a hole he put in his bedroom wall, he too is a good guy.

Anyway, here we are in the middle of an apocalypse. It kind of all started when I caught one of my neighbors literally eating someone else. Yeah, it was fucked. I got chased through the apartment building we lived in; the guys and I got split up and so I had no choice but to barge my way into this random girls apartment. I don't know why, but at the time I thought it was a good idea to help get her out of the building, lest she too be eaten by one of our elderly zombified neighbors. The ramifications of helping her out now meant she was stuck in our group.

Long story short we got out of the city, the random girl is asleep in the back of Reed's car, were currently parked on a cliff that is overlooking the city and it looks fucked. We're trying to figure out where to go next, because all methods of communications are down. However, one of the guys said they heard someone talking over the radio about a place or something called RSHS? I have no idea what it stands for, where it is or if it's even real but apparently if we head up north, we might have a chance of getting out of here. Out of here? I don't know what I'm saying, we don't really have a clue on what we're dealing with here. It's not like school prepares you for something like this.

I mean it seems like the world is going to shit, and I know I sound very pessimistic but aren't we probably all going to end up dead anyway? Isn't that literally the point of life?

Thanks for reading, I guess. Peace...

-Brad Simpson.


Page 7 & 8 & 9.

Her name is Sydney. Sydney Babella or Tahella or Tadella? I don't know I can't fucking spell hence why I finished school and went into the music industry. I mean you still have to spell to write lyrics, but you know what I mean. Anyway, Sydney is the name of the girl whose apartment I'd broken into and who was now tagging along with our group like it wasn't weird that she was hanging out with a group of random guys. Don't get me wrong, we're probably the most trustworthy people she could have ended up with but it's still weird.

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