Chapter Fifteen.

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November 2nd, Friday

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November 2nd, Friday.
Chapter Fifteen.

'...There's nothing more exciting than meeting new people, hearing their stories, and trying to understand their journey. Especially with an apocalypse playing out all around us, it was the closest thing to drama or reality T.V that we were going to get...'


We'd spent all of yesterday walking. Or at least we tried too.

The second we pulled up the dock on the other side of the lake yesterday we were thrown back into our new reality and the fight for our lives began all over again. Although, it wasn't as intense as we'd all thought it to have been.

As soon as we were parked right beside the old wooden dock, Reed scraping the yacht between two smaller yet still expensive looking boats, we climbed off with the help of others and made a break for it. Landon did the respectable thing of tying the yacht back to the dock as the rest of us made a run for it. Or at least tried our best.

We made it off the boat with little to no problems, thankfully, but finding a new car or two that had gas in them (we didn't need keys as Landon possessed yet another useful apocalypse skill of being able to hot wire cars) was the next step and the hardest one.

The running, or in my case hopping, lasted ten minutes before we'd worn ourselves out. A sprint turned into a jog, a jog turned into a walk and by the end of the day we were practically crawling across the ground.

I used the assistance of whoever had the strength to help me, hopping most of the time as we kept close, alert and walked.

And walked. And walked.

We checked every single car that we could that wasn't trashed, vandalized or parked in that we could see. Jack or Landon, usually being the ones to do so as the rest of us kept quiet and ready. Unfortunately, a car didn't come to us as easily as we'd hoped.

We kept to the main road, walking along in the middle of it as not a single car passed us either way. Nor did we see a single soul. Or a single zombie. It seemed to be nothing short of a miracle.

We walked, or in Nevaeh's case skipped, along the long open roads like sitting ducks.

It was an easy day in comparison to others we had experienced, and a lot quieter too. None of us spoke, beside Nevaeh as she liked to hum a lot to herself, the only sounds around us coming from the rustling of the tree and bushes, the scurrying of an animal or two and the sound of our shuffled footsteps. Our adventure took us along a main highway stretching around bends and corners of the forest area sat either side. We made our way up small hills and then a rather large steep mountain.

It wasn't until we were descending the treacherous mountain when Landon spotted the truck stop. The rest of us were either focusing on our breathing, keeping our legs moving or the vast number of overgrown green fields that lay at the bottom of the mountain. Landon ran down the hill towards the only piece of shelter we could see for miles and miles, his gun held out as he used the rest of his energy to search the building for any unsuspecting guests. By the time the rest of us had arrived he'd searched the area and deemed it safe, telling the other guys the layout of the building and he'd found a stash of twinkies in the back. I caught him and Nevaeh eating a bunch of them just before bed, it was hard not to give them a scolding.

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