~Lloydxreader~ 15 years.....

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I just thought of this randomly. This is going to be more of a mini story than a one shot

Word count: 1984

Universe: tv show

Status: Ex of 15 years

Prompt: "It wasn't my fault!"

Request: moi

About you: you lack love. Been in depression a couple of times. You're the queen of Ninjago

Element: weather

Warnings: triggering moments of suicide. Swear words

It's kinda based off my Lloydxreader. I don't know why I like to do separate things based on it. I like the plot.

Your POV

It's been fifteen years. Fifteen years ago my whole fate changed.

I got a baby girl called Storm. Lloyd broke up with me before that. I stayed distant from the ninja all my life after all that drama. I never went back there ever again. They all hated me for 'cheating' on Lloyd. I made them believed what they wanted to hear. I gave up on convincing I didn't but that didn't change their moods. They asked me why i did it but I just shrugged. They put it all over social media for me to suffer. I suffered most of it. But Storm is a smart child and she would always comfort me at the age of 5. 

She would hug me and say I love you. The more I got older the worse it happened. She started giving me lectures of why I shouldn't leave this world just yet. She would always make me cry. Tears of happiness. I would always apologize to her saying she didn't deserve me. But she would do anything in her will to tell me differently.

Today was different

Today I was on my way to the Monastery. I don't know why. Nya called me but I wasn't excited on talking to her. Sure 15 years ago.

Today. No

She said it'll be fun for all the kids to bond. We might have our differences but our kids don't have to go through all that shit we did. I just said no. Then I asked about the others. She said that she already convinced them. Meaning they said no at first. She tried convincing me but I denied. I'm not going back to that hell. After many tries I gave up. I can't keep myself away from Lloyd for as long as I live.

I mean I can if Nya wasn't born.

She then told me everyone got married. Her to Jay.

Called it.

Kai and Skylor. Cole and Seliel. Zane and P.I.X.A.L. Lloyd and princess Harumi. I don't ship lloyrumi. Sorry not sorry

I've heard of Harumi. We've met a couple of times. She's nice and pretty. I haven't seen her for awhile.

They all have kids.

Jay and Nya have both gender twins. Jason and Nicole

Kai and Skylor have a boy. Axel

Cole and Seliel have a girl. Eclipse

Zane and P.I.X.A.L have a girl. Snow. That's the cutest name from all

Lloyd and Harumi have a boy. Luke (if you wonder why I always use Luke for extra boys it's because I really like the name. And my old friends name since he moved away)

The limo was close I was getting nervous. I think Storm took notice of this.

You could never stand up for yourself

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