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Request: @cutiepie51

Word count: 2337

Universe: Show

Age: 19

Status: dating

Note/Warning: sappy shit. Swearing. I actually know some terminology due to all of the dance mom clips I'm watching.  To sum it up: I know nothing about dance.
I really mess up plots a lot. I make up too much drama.
Basically, a lot of angst.


I zoned back in when I heard my name

My head snapped towards the dance instructor who gave me a dirty look. I've always hated Tuesdays.

"Y/n, you'll be doing a solo for the dance competition. Since you're the shy type, I'm letting you pick a partner. I don't think anyone here wants to be your partner, that ends up you doing a solo anyways. Everyone dismissed," the mean old hag said. As much as I wanted to decline the offer, I can't. I didn't want to be identified as a loser. I hate being alone on stage. Either way they say I'm really good. I rolled my eyes at her and hurriedly got my bag and left.

I started walking towards my boyfriends house. Cole's house is closer than mine, so I go there everyday after class. When I reached his door, I knocked. Not when his father is home, then I use the doorbell. As soon as Cole opened the door, I hugged him right away and started to cry. He felt surprised that I hugged him that fast. I didn't even say hi. He just wrapped his arms around my waist and hushed me. He made me to jump, so I can wrap my legs around his torso. He carried me with one hand and closed the door with the other.
I got scared of falling off, so I wrapped my arms around his neck tighter. Not to the point where he can't breathe. He sat down on the couch, but nevertheless he didn't let go of me.

"Okay, what's wrong Y/n?" He asked softly. I realized I wetted his shirt of my tears. The stress, the frustration all came back again and I cried dramatically again.
"Are you okay?" He asked. He started to move his arms up and down, that's when I started to relax a little. I buried my face in his neck. I sighed and shook my head to his question.
"What happened at dance? You never cry after dance," he told me.

"I-I have to do a solo for the next dance competition."

"That's great Y/n! Then why are you crying?" His confusion struck. I started to cry a bit more.

"Because my stupid ass instructor assigned it to me. She fucking hates me. I know it, she knows it, everyone's knows it. She used this against me. She wants me to fail. I can tell because she never smiles at me whenever I dance. She only smiles with other people. What did I do for her to hate me?" I groaned in his neck. He just lightheartedly chuckled. His arms was still going up and down to calm me. He knew everything about me. I was straddling him, while leaning against him. He was just sitting down with me on top.

"So, the actual problem?"

"You're not catching on are you?" He shook his head. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm stressed!" I exclaimed. He then laughed again.

What a bitch.

I punched him in his arm. He seemed unfazed. I repeatedly punched him everywhere, he didn't care until I aimed for his groin. He covered it immediately.
"Hey, Hey, Hey. Not there. I'm sorry. What can I do to make you feel better?" He asked with innocent chocolate eyes. Damn, I fell harder and harder for him each day.
I shrugged. He then smiled at me. I got confused at first until he opened his mouth.
"How about I dance with you? We can make it a duet," he suggested. I shook my head immensely right after he said that.

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