~Colexreader~ Dont know

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Request: @DragonGirlLife

Word count: 893

Prompt: N/a

Universe: Movie

Age: 16

Status: Best friends

Note/Warning: ~Hurtful insults. Any insult said in here is a lie. You are all beautiful and live everyday to the fullest.

If I wanted to unpublish any of my oneshots that I didn't like, let's just say you guys won't have many chapters to read.

I wish I was confident.

I could never do things I want. I can never tell people 'no' whenever I didn't want to do something. Never say 'yes' when I wanted something. I would just freeze on the spot, hands sweaty and my mind blank.
What was English? Never heard of it.
It also didn't help that a group of girls keep on destroying your confidence everyday. The insults were just too much to take. I always tell myself to ignore it. It worked most of the time.
I hope.

At the end of the school day, Y/n sighed in relief that none of the girls came up to her and hurt her feelings.
She was so wrong to think that so early. All three of the girls came up to her, looking disgusted, already thinking of insults. Y/n didn't notice them until she turned around, she had a shocked face but then exhaled.
She wanted to be brave. She wanted to say something. She wanted to say no.
But what did come out was a breath. Either it was a disappointed one or a 'I am useless and couldn't think of anything.'
"What's wrong? Cat caught your tongue?" The leader of the three —Margaret— asked. She started laughing at Y/n. The other two — Jeada and Dahlia— followed her laughter.

Everyone in the hallway pretended that it wasn't happening. That Y/n wasn't getting bullied. Y/n hated her school. She begged her mom to switch schools, but her mom didn't see anything wrong about it.
That was because Y/n never told her about her being bullied. She didn't want her mum to worry. Her mom was always looking out for her, cussing out anyone that hurts her. Solely because Y/n was adopted. Her mom makes sure no one treats her with disrespect, knowing how quiet Y/n is.
"She's worthless," Jeada snickered. Y/n wasn't going to cry. She was going to be brave.

"Maybe her biological parents left her because she was so ugly," Dahlia commented. It only took one minute for Y/n to break. She ran out the doors of the school, running to her secret place. Tears running down her cheeks.
She didn't know that one person in particular stayed. Cole Brookstone. He was about to bud in. But he stayed back, just like a bystander.
He walked up to the giggling girls. They stopped as Margaret looked at him disgusted.

"What's your problem?" Cole asked them. They ignored him as the whispered in front of him, giggling at the jokes they made.
"It's not cool. You guys are stuck up bitches with a bunch of insecurities that you take out on people." Cole walked away. He fumed as he just felt a strong urge to punch something. He wanted something to take his anger out on. But he didn't. He took a deep breath and called over his mech away from the school so no one could see. He hopped onto it and rode (till I can't no more) to the abandoned dance studio.

Cole and Y/n would always hang there. It was their go to place when they didn't want to deal with the worlds issues. Ever time it got too much the setting of the dance studio would always give them grins. It was only Cole and
Y/n, Y/n and Cole. No one else.
When Cole has reached his destination, he instructed his vehicle to hide somewhere (with he help of his watch) so no one knew about where he was.
He went through the back doors of the studio and heard singing. Who the hell was singing in that trash dump? Surprise, surprise. It was
Y/n. Her voice wasn't strong, but rather soft. He liked it, hence he liked heavy metal and rock and roll.

"Y/n?" Cole asked as he came across the room she was in. Y/n became flustered as she choked in shock.
"I- I didn't know you could sing." Y/n couldn't say anything. She was normally calm on the slightly bashful side. But then, she had a loss for words.

"W- Well I- I don't recall you asking if I could or not," she choked out. Cole thought about it then realized that the topic had never came up.
"Besides, what're you doing here?"

"Wanted to see if you were okay," he looked down in embarrassment. Y/n slightly smiled at the thought of her best friend wanting to know if she's doing well.

"I-I'm- I'm fine," she brushed off. When he looked back at her eyes, she broke. She couldn't hold her walls up forever. They were falling.
And Cole saw it all unfold.
Y/n ran up to him and held onto him so tight as waterfall tears fell down her soft cheeks.
"Why do they have to be so mean?!" She wailed. Cole wasn't good with comfort. He never received it as a child, resulting him not knowing how to distribute it.
He sighed in annoyance and held her, running his arms up and down. He gave her a slight kiss on her head, with her sobs filling up the room. No other sound was made.
It was just them.

"I don't know," he laid his head on top of hers.
"I just don't know."

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