~Colexreader~Sing for me

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#19 this fan art is amazing

Request: @maxinemus

Word count: 1086

Universe: Show

Age: 16

Status: Friends

Note/Warning: Cole being a bean. That's the warning you need. Be cautious while reading.

I updated today cause it's my birthday🎉 March 8th. (Yes, I did write the same thing on every other book. It was only because I have different readers on each book.)

(I'm also doing a Q&A soon drop some questions)

Cole walked down the hall after school. He heard a voice singing. It echoed the hallway. It was a sweet melody to his ears. He had to know where it was coming from.
As he walked down the hall the louder the singing got. He also heard a faint piano following on key with the notes the person sang.

He finally got to the door the music room, where the girl actually sang her loudest. Cole wanted to know who it belong to. He looked over the creaked door and saw Y/n. He didn't know that she can sing. He didn't know that she sang at all.
She was singing one of the musicals that Coles mom would sing to him. It was is favourite. And Y/n sang it just like how his mom did. It brought back up memories as he started to shed some tears. That Y/n heard.

Y/n turned her head to where she heard sniffing. She doesn't know anyone who's here after school like her. She saw Cole crying. She got up from her seat quickly, and hugged Cole.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She knew it couldn't be her singing. She thought that she still needed some work.

"T-That song....was a song that m-my m-mother used to sing to m-me," he coughed, hiccuped and stuttered all over his words. Trying to get it out. Y/n was the only one who knew of Cole's mother passing. It affected him a lot. Y/n got struck with reality and felt guilt wash all over her.

"Oh, um- I'm so sorry. I forgot that you said that, that was her favourite musical an-" she got cut of by Cole kissing her. She didn't know how to react. She liked him of course. Did she like him like that? She mentally shrugged as she responded.
Cole parted.

"It's okay," he said. He started leaving till he heard his name being called.

"You do not tell anyone of this," she said strictly. Cole wasn't going to tell anyone anyways. As he was about to agree, he thought of a plan.

"Only if you play me another song." He crosses his arms. Y/n was shocked.

"Wha- no!" She yelled.
"I just made you cry of my horrible singing. You think I'm going to make you cry again? Well you're wrong," she stood her ground. Cole was happy that she cared for him that much. He was about to call it quits till he thought of another thing. He has so many things up his sleeve.

"Well it was tears of happiness. And I'm going to tell the team that you sing." He thought that if she agrees on it, he can secretly record it on his phone and play it on repeat.
"What's the word? Yes, or no?"

"No," she got up grabbed her bag and left without saying anything else. She left Cole speechless. He then smirked.

"Two can play that game," he said slowly.

For the rest of the week Cole was annoying Y/n and threatening her if she didn't tell him. She didn't give up knowing that he wouldn't actually do that. She just kept quiet even through all the poking, the shoving, the teasing, the whispers in class, all the doodles he drew or wrote and text messages. Basically, anything that was annoying to her, but she still kept her mouth shut
Cole thought that they he had to try harder.

One day, he came up to her after school. The school was deserted and she was only going to practice her piano skills.
He then did something that she couldn't say no to.

He gave her a letter saying that she could tryout for the MOSOCA. It was her dream to get in; let alone get a sheet saying she has a chance to tryout. She started jumping around thanking Cole, she then suddenly stopped and looked at Cole suspiciously.

"Is this a prank?" She asked. Cole was taken aback at the sudden judgement.

"No, no. My father owns it. I told him I thought you were good, he believed me and gave me flyer giving you the time and place the audition is taking place," he dismissed. He would never lie to Y/n. Well, not about this anyways.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugs him excitedly. He then chuckles at her amusement. (His chuckles XD are too cute)

"Your welcome."

The day of the audition, Y/n asks for Cole to tag along with her. He kind of embarrassed her when he mentioned that he had to be there anyways.
She was before this other person, who was extremely talented. Which made Y/n scared, and starts to have doubts. Wondering if she could actually pull it off. She got called up, her nerves started kicking in, butterflies flew in her stomach making her feel sick.
Cole gave her thumbs up from the judging table. He wasn't allowed to be biased about his choices, friend or enemy; it's all based of talent. Lou sent a glare to his son, who sheepishly smiled.

"Go ahead," Lou instructed. Y/n nodded and took a deep breath. When her mouth opened, her voice echoed all over the walls. She was singing the same song that Cole was amazed by the other day.
Cole was secretly recording it. When she was done, Lou was amazed by her song choice and how her voice fit so well with it. Lou was about to shed a tear. Luckily, Y/n was the last to perform.
"Best audition I've ever seen," He then got up.
"If you will excuse me, I have to write a song about my feelings."

"I told you, you wouldn't regret it!" He shout before his father closed the door.

"Was that good?" Y/n asked quietly. Cole got up from his seat and walked towards her.

"That was amazing. My dad loved you," he gushed. She started to blush.

"But, he was crying." She pointed out.

"I told you tears of happiness," he reminded her. She then got out of his hold, holding her sweater closer to her in embarrassment.
"Can you sing for me again?" Y/n left her mouth agape. She then shook her head.


"It's okay," Y/n was confused. He then took out his phone.
"I recorded it all," she blushed, then got mad; playfully obviously. He started to run, with Y/n following behind.


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