~Colexreader~ Thunder

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Request: @kitsume_fox_gal

Word count: 1440

Prompt: n/a

Universe: series/movie

Age: 16

Status: Hate each other, teammates

Note/Warning: Mild language, fluff and angst (I think)

Y/n was afraid.

Afraid of thunder that is.

The loud booming that echoed.

The lightning that struck every ten seconds.

And the rumbles were the worst. Because she felt like as though she could feel it in the pit of her stomach. Making her feel uneasy and wanting to puke.

One day, she woke up at one twenty-four in the morning to the sound of lightning being struck, a loud thunder coming right after. She would naturally stay in her room, but sadly, she got the room in the monastery with the biggest window. A perfect view to see the 'destruction' of nature.
A place she would normally hide was under the dining table. That was what she did. The table had a table cloth long enough to cover half her body. It made her feel somewhat safe in a way, and that made her slight anxiety to calm down.

But of course not every story had a good ending.

Cole was having his daily midnight snack. Nothing was wrong, right?
In fact, Y/n and Cole are actually mortal enemies. They glare at each other when they pass by in the hallway. Try to compete for everything they do. And do other things enemies do. It all started when Y/n joined the team. Cole liked his small group of friends. He didn't want it to open to some stranger Wu had gotten from the street.

Y/n tried to get to know him. But he would always shut her down and/or ignore her. After she realized he didn't like her, she didn't bother trying and fought back.
Some were almost deathly like fighting each other on a cliff to evil glares and teasing.
If Cole knew Y/n's fear of thunder, she would never live it down. It would be worse if he told the rest of the ninja. Jay would be annoying her constantly. Due to his powers and all.

Cole went to the fridge, half-asleep, and looked for something to munch on that evening. He found some leftover noodles that he knew belonged to Jay (hence the name on it) but shrugged. He didn't bother warming it up as he ate it cold.
Y/n moved to the side so Cole's swinging legs wouldn't hit her. One came close as she cursed. She knew about his habit of swinging feet; to be honest, she thought it was an excuse for Cole to hit Kai's legs at dinner time. She then realized he had a serious problem.
Of course, she got kicked by his leg and yelped in pain. Then screamed afterwards due to the sound outdoors.

"What the?" Cole lowered his head down and lifted up the table cloth a bit. When he saw her, he frowned immediately and went back to eating, acting like as if he hadn't seen her. "Whatever."

The loudest rumble echoed in the dining room, shaking the floors, causing things to shake. Y/n closed her eyes shut and instinctively grabbed the nearest thing closest to her. Cole furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he had felt a warm object wrapped around his leg. When he was about to say something rude, he looked down and noticed that she was blaring red and had tears streaming down her cheeks.
Cole's heart warmed at the sight of her being upset. As much as he found her annoying, he never knew how to deal with emotional people. He would never want misfortune for anyone.
Not even her.
So he did the most comforting thing he could do.

He awkwardly patted her back.

Tears still flowed, she couldn't grab a grip of herself and calm down. Except it had seem like each rain that dropped, was another reason why she continued to cry. She couldn't deal with it. And was Cole helping with his awkward patting?
It was better than nothing.

"Shit," she muttered, wiping her now puffy eyes. When she finally took it in that the comfy table leg was an actual leg, in fact, Cole's leg, she let go immediately. Cole stop patting due to him being out of reach, and he was planning to stop anyways.
She slowly came out from under the table and sat beside him. She wiped the last tears, and fanned herself so more wouldn't fall.
Cole was staring at her the whole time. Y/n thought she was being awkward and weird so she decide to leave. "Sorry," she stood up. He unexplainably grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him.

"You okay?" He whispered. She dropped her head in shame, not wanting to admit her secret.

"Kinda scared of storms."

"That's why you were hiding?" He was being so genuine, she thought he was pretending.
But he wasn't. "We can watch something to get your mind off it."

She shook her head, "don't wanna bother you. I'll sleep somewhere else."

"It wasn't a question," he said sternly, that had caught Y/n's attention. She whipped her head at him, wide eyes as she saw his serious state.
She then shrugged.

"I don't know," she looked away.

"Take it as me saying sorry."


Cole wasn't half-hearted nor cold, but it was somewhat hard to apologize to her. "Well, I mean- yeah. I've been harsh to you the whole time you were here with no explanation. And I think my manly arms can keep you safe."

Y/n found herself giggling a bit, covering her laugh behind her hand. "Are you suggesting that we cuddle?"
Cole blushed furiously at the way she put it. He was suggesting that they should cuddle, but it was so upfront. Did he actually want to cuddle with someone he forced himself to hate for the past half year? Or did he feel bad that her fear was making her cry?

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I mean sure, if you want to." He looked at her with pleading eyes. He wanted her to say yes. And she did.

"Sure." Cole was ecstatic, but he didn't show it. All he had to do was smile, and that told Y/n that she made the right choice. With his hand softly wrapped around her wrist, he dragged her towards the gaming room.
He noticed all the controllers on the ground and swept them away in one spot with a gracious kick and a nervous laugh. He found the remote and flicked it to a random Disney movie. Y/n was already feeling better with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders. It was even better while laying down on Cole's chest.
His arms protectively wrapped, his hands caressing her hip ever so gently. The soft breathing filled the room other than the tv playing the film.

His heartbeat going steady, then started going faster and faster when he looked at the girl below him. She finally looked like she was at peace, no thunder, no lightning, no rumbles.
Just Cole and Y/n.
He decided to move his arms a bit, making her go in a trance of falling asleep. His warm hands doing wonders to give her some relaxation.  She felt as though she couldn't hear the loud noises outside. Instead, she sighed in delight, melting on his chest a bit more. Cole got flustered at his doing, nevertheless, still continued.
It wasn't long until Y/n fell asleep. Her breathing patterns faltered as she passed out on his chest.

Cole hesitated, and gave her a sweet kiss on her forehead, "good night, beautiful."


Morning came faster then it seemed.

Y/n was trying to get the most out of her most comfortable pillow and snuggled into it. She then heard a low chuckle, vibrating her pillow.
She then realized it wasn't a pillow; but rather Cole's chest. She jumped away as fast as she could and looked at him wide eyed.

"Did we-"

"What? No," he shook his head, laughing. Y/n never realized what a nice smile Cole had. His chocolate eyes lighting up and looked a bit more hazel than chocolate. "It's breakfast."

"You and your never-ending stomach. How do you not get full."

He then shrugged, rolling his shoulders to stretch them out, "I burn a lot of calories during the day, need a lot more to replace 'em."

"Makes sense."

Everyone was staring at them during breakfast.

The team looked back and fourth between their best friend and new member. Y/n and Cole were conversing. They were smiling. They were not fighting.

"Uhh, did we miss something?"

"Just a bad storm," Y/n shrugged.


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