kai - warm winters

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#42 a fluffy Kai chapter for my bestie retro-gloss
Oh, and thank you for 70k haha
(i grew out of the whole list thingy, so they're gonna be looking this from now on)

"Kai, Kai, Kai!" I called out to my boyfriend. I was in his room, freezing my butt off and he was on the desk, on his laptop. I was in desperate need of cuddles. Despite the amount of blankets that were on me, they weren't doing me any justice.

"Yes Princess," he said, turning around in his chair. He was only wearing a tank top, so his muscles were shining in my face. I wanted to bury myself in them so badly. I craved for some warmth. I needed something- someone to help my problem and fulfill my needs.

"I'm coooooold!" I whined as if I were four. I was so close to freezing my ass off

"Okay, and?" He leant on his chair more.

"You're my walking, talking, heater, I need you!" Kai is abnormally hot. Touch his skin and he was burning. He was hot.
Literally and in a punny way.
He said the only time he got cold was on the mountain going on the blind man's eye to the cloud kingdom. However, I'm sitting on his bed, trying to warm myself up, and he was there minding his own business.

I was also jealous. Very, very jealous.

"Just because I'm the master of fire doesn't mean anything. Besides, you have a blankets on." He gestured towards the three blankets that were on me. I shrugged at his lame statement.
If I was warm, I wouldn't need Kai as a boyfriend at all.
I was using him.

I'm totally joking. I would die without him. I loved him a lot. Gosh- we still didn't pull the l-word. I was a coward haha.

I heightened my eyebrow, giving him a disbelieving look. "And you have a tank top on in the middle of winter because your average body temperature is extremely high. I would loathe being that hot during the summer."

"I don't get hot in summer." How???? Common sense????

"What- whatever. C'mere. Pwease," I pouted, making my eyes wide to show my sadness.

"Princess," he drawled the word, whining. "Not the pouting face. You know I'm a sucker for that."

"Then come and cuddle me you jerk," I concluded.

"Ouch." He clutched his chest in faux pain. I resisted rolling my eyes, taking my hands out of the blankets, making grippy hands towards him. He was so near and yet, so far away for my liking.

"Kaiiiiii," I groaned.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," he caved, raising his hands in surrender.

"Title of your sex tape."

"Princess-" he warned

"What?" I played innocent. Jake Peralta was a whole mood, it would be disrespectful to not honour him.
It would also be disrespectful to not annoy Kai at least once a day.

"How much Brooklyn nine-nine did you watch during our mission?

"Please, I was binging before you guys left. You were too busy working on..whatever it is you're working on. I needed my second boyfriend to accompany me." Kai finally walked over, sighing disappointingly, and took off the blankets to wrap his arms around me.

The bliss of warmth filled me, his strong muscles entrapping me tenderly. I was instantly warmed up.
"Can your second boyfriend give you hugs?" I didn't answer due to how tired I felt. My eyelids were dropping as I forced them wide, but no use since they fell. I lazily snaked my arms around his waist, gripping on what I could.
The last things I heard was a chuckle and I kiss to my forehead. "Good night, Princess." I wanted to reply, but I slipped away.

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