lloyd - what if

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#43 this was requested by _xfantasygirlx_ I kinda like this one lolllol
There's implied sex and more implied sex. So read at your own risk?

Prompt: #2 "what if...I want it to happen again?"

Lloyd ain't innocent y'all 😳

Time slowed down as the two best friends danced on each other.

The toxicity of the alcohol controlling them. Flashing lights everywhere. People around them dancing, drinking, kissing. The atmosphere was chaotic, but no one would change that. Especially Lloyd and Y/n.

They loved it. Enjoyed it really.

The two friends going in there as friends and planned to have fun as friends kind of stepped out of the friend zone.
Big time.
They probably won't remember how much they drank. Stress controlling them, knowing that alcohol would make them forget.
But forgot how crazy it would make them. How uncontrolled they would be. Letting their desires, fun, lust side take over the wheel and ride towards a cliff.

And so they fell.
Falling harder than they thought.
There was nothing to land on. It appeared to be a bottomless pit. There was nothing.
And that was how lost they were.

It started out with a shot. Lloyd was worried about his powers getting out of control. Kai came along and told him that it won't amplify his powers, it would do the opposite. Dim them down. Their powers couldn't obey someone who didn't obey themselves.
Y/n pushed him to even go to the house party. Practically pushed him when the team gave up. Lloyd caved, knowing he would regret it.
Did he though?

He found happiness through forgetting.
Y/n had a huge play in that.
When they were both drunk, she pulled him to the dance floor where they were dancing.
They danced all right. Around each other. Touching each other as they did so.
Groping one another.
Lloyd was turned on. So was Y/n.
Two shy people who would normally shy away at this type of stuff didn't. They went for it.

Surprisingly, Lloyd made the first move. His lips landed on hers, starting out rough. Y/n was too drunk to be taken aback. She went in with the same force. Lloyd's hands found her waist as hers to the back of his neck. She stroked his hair, scratching his scalp.
Then she tugged. Tugged hard enough to make Lloyd let out a groan from his throat. The pleasurable feeling running through him.
The euphoria that settled amongst them.

They didn't stop. The kissing got wilder, bodies pressed together, hand all over. The desperation, the need of each other. All they could sense was each other.
Touch, smell; taste, sight, and feel.
But, there was a sixth; lust.

They say the night is young.
That night felt long.

They were found in a bedroom, the need of each other growing by the second. No words were exchanged, only looks of need. Want.

They didn't leave the room until morning.

"It was a mistake," Y/n said. They hadn't spoken for a few days, but they both knew they wanted to know what happened that night.
What were they now?
Friends with benefits? Neither would want that. She only said it was a mistake to save herself from the embarrassment. Lloyd was hurt that was how she felt about them.
They were in the monastery in his room at night. They were discussing what had happened that night since the team couldn't take the awkwardness that lingered in every room they were together in.

"What if...I want it to happen again?" Lloyd said softly, his green irises looking at her curiously. His thumbs fumbled as his heart fluttered. He wasn't even sure if she liked him more than what they were. Y/n was taken aback, but she wanted it as much as he did.

"Then we'll do it again," she sent a small grin. His pain finally took a rest. So she did return the feelings.
Lloyd walked towards her one step.
One step too close.
He took her hands into his. His thumb caressing her knuckles tenderly.

He chuckled, looking at her hands and how perfectly they fit into his, "what do we call this?"

"...let's not put labels just yet. You okay with that?" She asked, tearing her eyes away from their hands and looked right into his eyes. Her stomach churned, hands starting to sweat. She gnawed her lip anxiously, hoping that he was understanding.

"Yeah," he said, shaking their hands a bit, "I'm okay with that." He looked up and found some sort of confidence to just give her a light peck.
Y/n was a bit...bolder.
She kissed him twice as hard, taking her hand out of his and trailed her fingers up his chest, settling on his shoulders; giving them a small squeeze. Now they weren't intoxicated and Y/n could actually enjoy what was coming.
Even though what they were was still a mystery, they were both glad that they liked each other.

"Round two?"
Lloyd nodded, ripping off his shirt after he broke the kiss.

Let's just hope that the walls were soundproof, or else the rest of the ninja won't sleep that night.

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