Jayxreader~ Bad day

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Request: me

Word count: 820

Prompt: "Bad day?"

Universe: series

Age: 21

Status: lovers

Note/Warning: mentions of making out. Next one-shots will be requests!!

Jay sat in the other side of the booth.

He was bored out of his mind as Nya and Cole talked away. They chatted endlessly, the most random of topics, and it was excruciating to sit near them.
They were, you guessed it, on a date. But since they didn't want to have any hard feelings towards Jay, they brought him along.
What they didn't know is that he's been shipping them together for years. All the little exchanges they would send, cute flirting and eye fucking.

No, seriously, they did.

You would see Nya on one side of the couch and Cole on the other, no part of their body were touching, but they were imagining it. Even though I'm the narrator and I know everything, Jay also knew, including the rest of the team. Their eyebrows moved, eyes going up and down, checking each other out, and Nya would blush. Cole wasn't really an easy blusher.
I don't even know if that's a word, moving on.
So Nya's cheeks would glow bright red. Kai didn't blush, at all, because all the heat that goes to his cheeks instead go to the rest of his body, making him sweat uncontrollably.

The only reason why they thought Jay liked Nya was because he said so, and made it noticeable.
Truth was, he didn't. He thought she was mean for always insulting for what he does and says. So obviously, no feelings, no crushes.

The only reason why he did it was so Cole thought he had competition and fight for his love.
But of course Cole being the motherfucking coward he was and insecure bean, he hid away, and thought he could never get a chance with Nya.

Question was why did Nya said yes to Jay when she had liked Cole?

Because she just as confused as any person would be with their sexuality; but in a different situation. She said yes because she was curious. Was it wrong? Yes. Incredibly wrong. Heartbreaking for Cole.
That's why when she saw Cole on the heart machine shit, she was ecstatic.

Butttttt, when Jay saw Nya borderline cheating, it hurt. I mean, he didn't develop any feelings (surprisingly) but he trusted her to tell him whatever she was feeling. And the thought of someone going behind his back hurt. He had trusted way too many people in his life, he had gotten bullied and picked on for years for being a junkyard kid. Some loyalty, or someone that showed that they cared about him would lift his spirits. Would give him a purpose to be wanted and not thrown around. I should really stop using first person in a narrative form out of brackets but *shrugs*.

A little part of him got excited that they finally had got together. When Nya broke the news to Jay, he shrugged and smiled at her. He was indicating that he didn't care. She thought she was being harsh and had hurt his feelings.
Soooooo, when they suggested that Jay should tag along on their tenth date, he said no. When they mentioned him not paying for his food he agreed.
Who could say no to free food?

While they were waiting for their food, it got boring. It was boring. I mean, come on, they were flirting and he was the third wheel.


"So, it's obvious that I'm third wheeling right?" Both of them turned their heads towards the blue clad. They nodded confusingly. "So who's the first wheel?"

"Me, because I made the first move," Nya said.

"No, me because I made the first date."

And they started arguing. Jay let out a small laugh and relaxed as they bickered. He felt like Ares, the god of war, making people argue.

"Here's your food," the waitress brought the platter and put it on the table. They had all gotten spaghetti from the Italian restaurant they had decided to go to. The name tag read Y/n.

"Thank you," Jay peeped, the couple muttering it as well.

"Blue ninja, there's some faulty wiring in the back, maybe you can help?" Y/n had asked. Jay nodded and excused himself from the booth. When they got to the back, Jay closed the door and pinned Y/n on the wall.

"What took you so long?" Jay kissed her neck, her breath hitching.

"O-order got...lost and had to remake. Besides, chefs are naturally lazy, and it's a Tuesday."
Jay's hands tightened on her waist, bringing their body's closer together.

"Bad day?"

"Bad day."

"I can make it better. How long have you got?"

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