jay - kitchen kisses

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#45 ummm....this one is a bit 😳🥵😘

Warning: make out session with deets and mature language.

Do y'all like these type of imagines???

Requested by: @1-800-DOJA

Y/n was in the kitchen making dinner for the ninja when they got home from their mission.
Jay stayed back because he wasn't needed for the mission and he needed a rest from fixing the bounty with Nya the day before.

It was only when Jay got bored an idea struck him. His mind started to cloud with memories of Y/n and how beautiful she was. Her laugh, her lips, her face. Everything was fucking gorgeous.
A known feeling swarmed in his stomach, an urge pulling him towards her. He wanted her. He was craving it, itching for a touch; a kiss. He got out of bed and silently made his way to the kitchen in the monastery. He tipped toed like the ninja he was, making sure he wouldn't get spotted.

Music was being played and Y/n was dancing.  He stared as she swayed her hips to the beat, humming and singing to the lyrics, all while she making dinner.
Jay was in a trance. He couldn't peel his eyes away. He was deeply in love with his partner at the moment that he didn't think it was possible. Fallng even more when he thought he reached the bottom.
His heart beat in rhythm of the sound of the music. His cheeks tinted pink and slowly morphed to red the longer his gaze was fixed on her. He couldn't hold it. Jay needed to be with her.

He slipped in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around her waist. She jumped in surprise while a shiver went down her spine. Goosebumps covered her skin before she could say anything, Jay attached his lips to her neck, kissing it softly but quickly. Y/n didn't even try to resist it as she submitted right away to her lover. She sighed, relaxed and loving the pleasure she was getting, rolling her neck to the opposite side for more access. Jay was hooked.
"J- Jay~" she sighed, not being able to contain the small sounds of pleasures emitting from her throat. He was enjoying every second of it. Her hands were on his, trying to steady herself.

He unlatched his lips from her her neck to her earlobe. "You think you can get away dancing like that? You got it all wrong, baby." He nipped it causing her to gasp. Finally, she was turned around where she was met with a pair of lips on hers.
Y/n returned the sense of needy and desire Jay was radiating. Her hands were deep into his soft brown locks, tugging and scratching his scalp. He groaned in the kiss which Y/n couldn't get enough of. One of Jay's hands was on her waist while the other was caressing her cheek.

The kiss got wetter, messier and hotter. It was time for a small break of air, but ninja never quit. Jay pinned her on the wall, going for the lower parts of her neck, his teeth grazing as he gave a slight nip. His lips sucking her soft skin, purple bruises after the next. Y/n was panting, heaving, sighing and moaning. She didn't even know what put her in the sudden mood to have a make out session.
One second she was making dinner, the next she was a mess.

Oh shit-

"Jay...the dinner is going to burn," she warned, the words barely escaping her lips.

"Let it. We can order take out."


"Not now," he growled, rejoining their lips once more. This time tongue was added to the mix, the kiss growing more passionate between them. Jay had his hands on her waist, putting their bodies ridiculously close together. His hands slid up and down, admiring all of her features without saying a word.
Their bodies were pressed together, sharing body heat. The atmosphere shifted. The once light and fun vibe switched over to lust and love.

"Jay and Y/n getting it on!" Kai cheered. They froze, their mouths still linked until they broke it off, slowly but surely letting go of each other. Their cheeks were flushed, panting as they were out of breath, Jay's hair was a mess and Y/n's neat clothes were now wrinkled.

"Hi," Jay squeaked, fingers fidgeting nervously.

"What the fuck?" Cole asked from the doorway.

"Oh to see without my eyes," Lloyd complained, covering his eyes to walk another direction but ended up hitting the wall and falling on the ground from the impact.
Zane sighed. No one knew if it was at the couple or Lloyd.

"I'll order noodles." Zane picked up the youngest and dragged him to the gaming room. Cole walked away and Kai sent them a knowing smirk.
Nya was the last to walk away with a wink.

Jay was fast to act as soon as they left. "We'll finish this later," he whispered in her ear and walked away; most likely to freshen up. Y/n stood there confused, flustered and horny.

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