~Jayxreader~Movie!Secrets exposed pt.2

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#22 I think I'm going somewhere with this book. I literally now hate part two's.

Request: @idyg27

Word count: 2586

Universe: Movie

Age: 18

Status: Still complicated. With crushes ig

Note/Warning: Not doing a part three. Swear words

Og publish date: 04/17/19


This is irritating

Sitting around in a boring ass cell. That- that bitch got me in here. How could he? After all we've been through; this is how he treats me? THIS IS WHAT I DESERVE!?
But of course, he's the blue ninja, he has to do his duty.
Ha, doody.
I've been here for a week, it's not that bad but the food's terrible. The only bad thing is actually being behind the bars. Some of these people are getting on my nerves. Especially Kim. She is UGH.
And to think my boss would bail me out. That son of a bitch is going to pay once I get out of here. All I need is a plan.
I grab my pencil and paper, that I got at arts and crafts. And start drawing. Then all of a sudden I hear a very loud KABOOM.

"I thought you would already be out five days ago. Let's go," my bosses first hand says to me. I really hate Andy. Just because his leg is broken and he can't go on missions, he tells me how better he is than me. And the only thing stopping him is his leg.
Whatever floats his boat.
"C'mon, hurry up!" He gestures towards the exit behind him. I roll my eyes and got up.

"You can't be less of a bitch can you?"

"Whatever," he sticks out his tongue. What a child. Is he ever going to grow up and get some common sense?
"I'm still first hand. If my leg wasn't broken-"

"You would've got the money boss wanted and never gotten caught." I finish for him. I cross my arms in aggravation. I swear, I could finish his next sentence that he's going to say next week.
"Yeah, I know Andy. Besides it wasn't my fault," I admit. I never really got caught. If I had just brought my phone and never forgotten it there, then all of this would've never have happened.
He didn't believe me. The look on his face is pure disbelief. I agree with him though. If I were him (thank god I'm not) I wouldn't believe me either.

"Yeah, sure," he drags on 'sure'. He looks at me skeptically, like I'm lying. I wish I was. It's the most embarrassing story ever. That your own crush put you in jail for robbing over one million dollars is embarrassing. Not the robbing one million dollars part, that's an accomplishment. Not one I'm proud of, but it's something.
He starts walki- limping away from me. It still makes me laugh every time he limps. Usually, I don't laugh at other people's misfortunes, but hey, it's Andy we're talking about. The biggest asshat around. Me not making fun of him is an insult to me.
I start snickering –to which he heard– he turns around with an annoyed face; which is red.
"Shut. Up."
That makes me laugh even harder.
A limping tomato.
The thought of it makes me drop to the ground.
"You're thinking of a limping tomato? What a child," he shakes his head. My mood completely drops. Did I forget to say that he can read minds?
He can read minds.
I furrow my eyebrows as I glare at him.

"Party pooper," I grumble. I don't think he heard, because he didn't respond.
I'm going to be in so much trouble with boss.

Jay is at home on a school day. He isn't sick. He feels worried, ashamed and betrayal kind of sick. His stomach moved in a very uncomfortable manner. He clutches it. He knew why. He blames himself. He wishes that he had never brought Y/n's phone with him and found out. He wished it was still a secret. He starts crying a bit. He beats himself up for it.
His phone starts ringing. He thinks about leaving it ring; he has to know whom is calling first. His curiosity strikes him, he got his phone from his bed side table. The Ninjago Police Department is calling him. From shock, he accidentally throws his phone up and does that repeatedly until he actually caught his phone, and answered it right away.
"Hello, Blue Ninja speaking," he says quickly.

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