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"man up, you fucking cry baby!" namjoon growled as he pinned jungkook on the wall by the shoulder. jungkook winced at the harsh impact and screwed his eyes shut in an attempt to avoid namjoon's appalling gaze.

he attacked jungkook as soon as the young boy walked in-- unimpressed as he saw the bow cryinh.

"joon, don't be so harsh--" 

"shut up jin!" he barked at the elder, who immediately abided by namjoon's words and backed away from the situation.

"listen to me, jeon, stop acting like a damn child! this is not a nursery, we're not here to take care of you, stop acting like a fucking brat!" namjoon's words only had more tears leave jungkook's eyes.

the younger's breath hitched as namjoon's hand moved to his throat, tightening his grip causing the younger to suffocate.

"s-stop i can't b-breathe--" was the only thing jungkook gasped out, his hands attempted to pry off namjoon's from his throat. fortunately for the younger, the leader let go and dropped him to the floor.

he whimpered as his back slid against the wall, the raven haired boy rested his head in between his knees and bit his lip-- he basically curled into a ball.

 seokjin was the first to approach the boy;

"kook, it's okay-- don't cry." jungkook lifted his head up at seokjin's soothing words, he flashed a reassuring smile to the young boy who was  in his embrace. "come here,"

he lifted jungkook so that the boy would be in his lap-- and he leaned against the wall with jungkook in his arms.

"it's okay baby," seokjin mumbled into jungkook's hair, rubbing circles into his back. jungkook surprisingly nuzzled further into the elder's neck as his ragged breathing slowly calmed down.

"why does he hate me so much?" the younger murmured, voice sounding muffled as his face was buried.

"it's just namjoon, he's really upset that chanyeol killed taemin-- one of our best-- and he's taking it out on you." jungkook lifted his head and furrowed his brows, 


"why don't we take you upstairs?" the elder hummed and lifted junkook up, carrying him up the stairs.

jungkook wrapped his legs around seokjin's waist and his arms around the elder's neck througout the flight of stairs.

seokjin laid the younger down on the bed once they reached his room,

"hyung, this isn't my room," jungkook frowned as he glanced at his surroundings. seokjin plopped onto the bed and grinned at the younger-- he stared at the younger in admiration, the younger furrowed his brows as he caught onto seokjin's staring,

"what? why are you smiling like that?" he inquired, raising a brow at the older.

"you called me hyung," seokjin grinned at the younger as they laid on the bed, facing each other.

"shut up." jungkook buried his head into the pillow out of embarrassment, his stomach churned as he felt the elder's arm snake around his waist; pulling him into his chest.

"rest kookie, you need it." he placed a kiss onto the younger's forehead; watching as the younger's eyes fluttered close. 

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