t w e n t y n i n e

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🔞WARNING: Mild smut ahead! Skip if you're not comfortable.

A loud thump followed by a groan awakens everyone. Seokjin is the first to get out of bed, running like a madman with panic surging through him. He heads downstairs, where the sound came from.

The eldest spots Jungkook on his back on the ground, an arm slung over his face as a string of curses leave his mouth. Seokjin assumes he was the cause of the loud thump and quickly rushes to the maknae's aid.

"Kook, you good?" Seokjin tries to sound concerned, but a snicker escapes his mouth. Jungkook whacks the older before standing up to stretch.

" S'not funny," Jungkook mutters, he turns back to see Yoongi was now awake. "Morning Hyung." Yoongi manages to mutter a quick 'morning' before shoving his face back into the couch.

Seokjin grabs Jungkook's wrist and pulls him in for a kiss. The younger is taken aback at first but immediately starts kissing back, entangling his fingers into Jin's hair, tugging. Seokjin groans before pulling away to breathe, he's about to capture the younger's lips again but they're interrupted.

"Gross fucks, it's 9 in the morning." Taehyung grumbles, trudging down the stairs wearing nothing but low hanging grey sweats, exposing his V line. Jungkook's eyes trail from his broad shoulders to his big--

"Like what you see?" Taehyung interrupts, and Jungkook just realizes that Taehyung is now in front of him. A crimson shade wipes over the maknae's face in embarrassment but he brushes it off by shoving Taehyung away.

"Probably wants to be the one who gets fucked by you this time, Tae." Seokjin snickers before heading to the kitchen, the two following behind.

"What?! No- I- Hey!" Jungkook spews out, he feels Taehyung smack his ass and he stops walking when they've reached the kitchen.

"Stop it!" He whines, he's about to protest further but Taehyung manhandles him onto the kitchen counter. Seokjin places a pan onto the stove but keeps an eye on the two.

"You know Jungkookie," Taehyung starts, inserting himself in the space between Jungkook's legs. He starts peppering kisses down the younger's collarbone, biting where he knows will get Jungkook writhing and whining. "You're so big and strong, you can easily stop me but you won't."

Jungkook whimpers, hands reaching out to hold onto Taehyung's shoulders. He gasps when Taehyung gropes him through his pajama pants, he throws his head back and tries to gain more friction by bucking his hips into the older's big hands. Taehyung leans into his ear.

"What do you want Kook? Tell me what you want." Taehyung whispers, putting more pressure on the boys' crotch. A moan slips out of Jungkook's mouth which causes Jin to snicker. Namjoon walks into the kitchen, making his presence known by clearing his throat.

"As much as I'm enjoying the view, we really wanna eat breakfast," Namjoon says, flicking the back of Taehyung's head. The leader saunters over to Jin to give the eldest a peck before walking over to the dining table and taking a seat.

Taehyung keeps going however, and Jungkook shoots his hand out to grab at the older's wrist in an attempt to get him to stop. The Maknae gasps once again as Taehyung shoves his hand into his boxers.

"Tae—Ngh—Stop-They're gonna- ah!" Jungkook mewls as Taehyung starts stroking him to hardness. He bites his lips and his fingers clench around the edge of the counter, trying to stay stable.

"Should I stop it?" Taehyung teases, his breathe tickles Jungkook's ear and he continues to jerk the younger off, big hands fist at his cock and pumps at a steady pace. It makes Jungkook shudder in pleasure as he feels his orgasm nearing.

"No- Please! Ah- I'm gonna-" Jungkook cries out, he grabs the back of Taehyung's neck and in one swift motion pulls him in for a kiss. Taehyung groans when Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip, he jerks Jungkook's member off faster and feels it twitch in his palm.

Jungkook feels a final wave of pleasure wash over him and he finally cums, shooting white strings into his own boxers and onto Taehyung's hand. Taehyung swallows the younger's moans before breaking the kiss to allow Jungkook to breathe. Jungkook tucks his face into Taehyung's shoulder, the after math of his orgasm hitting. He slips away for a few moments and Taehyung whispers soothing words into the boys ear.

"Jesus fuck you're nasty, Jungkook." Hoseok laughs from the table, and a few giggles of agreement follow. Jungkook's head shoots up at his hyung said voice and he looks over at the dining table, only now realizing the presence of all the other guys. His face flushes red and he shoves Taehyung away.

"Fuck off! You've done way worse." Jungkook grumbles, hopping off of the counter as he quickly walks out of the kitchen. Taehyung follows behind.

"Hey! Manners!" Seokjin shouts, pointing a spoon at him. But he knows they've done way worse, including the time he blew Namjoon off during a mission in Daegu, in the middle of an alley.

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