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jungkook rushed out of the room, feeling extremely guilty for not comforting taehyung when he needed it. he quickened his pace until he heard namjoon and hoseok's voices at the entrance of the house.

"we're going now." namjoon stated as he placed down the ice pack that was on his jaw. he watched namjoon open the door, stepping out.

"what about tae-" jungkook started, but he felt hoseok squeeze his arm as a warning, so he quickly shut his mouth.

they got into the car, namjoon driving, hoseok in the passenger seat while jungkook sat at the back. he stared out of the window, watching the trees pass by.
he thought about everything that had happened in the past few months, how crazy it was.

he was trusting people he barely knew, making out with them and letting out his problems to them.
but something about them gave him a sense of comfort, something made him feel like he was at home.

sometimes he did miss being with chanyeol, but they somehow managed to make him forget about his ex lover, by showering him with affection.

the car came to a halt in front of an alley, before jungkook stepped out, hoseok handed him a gun. he followed the two into the alley way, getting slightly paranoid because of the rustles that followed.

"kim namjoon." a voice boomed, a voice he definitely recognized.

chanyeol stood there, black leather jacket with a pad of skinny black jeans, complimenting his now blonde hair. stood beside him was who recognized none other than baekhyun and minseok, his two (ex) best friends.

jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat, not being in contact with the people who were once so close to him. chanyeol's gaze flickered over to hoseok, then finally to jungkook. his gaze softened once he saw the boy,

"kook?" chanyeol slowly said, not believing jungkook was actually there. namjoon was quick to pull out his gun, aiming it at chanyeol while he stood in front of jungkook.

"come any closer and i will shoot." namjoon threatened, gripping jungkook's hand. chanyeol scoffed, his eyes locked with jungkook's.

jungkook slowly slid his hand out of namjoon's and ran to chanyeol. namjoon's eyes darkened.

he jumped into chanyeol's arm, and chanyeol hugged him back. jungkook sniffed in his scent, still the same, he thought.

"i missed you." jungkook whispered against the crook of chanyeol's neck, a tear slipped out.

"i missed you too, kooks." chanyeol muttered, rubbing jungkook's back up and down. when jungkook pulled away and turned around, he saw namjoon, mad.

"jungkook, come here right now." namjoon growled, gun still aimed at chanyeol.

"don't shoot him," jungkook said, gripping chanyeol's hand.


"no." jungkook stood his ground.

"how about we settle it like this, jungkook gets to choose where he goes." chanyeol reasoned, placing his gun onto the floor and putting his free hand up in defense.

hoseok and namjoon looked at jungkook, waiting for his reply.

"chanyeol," jungkook said in a small voice. "i wanna go with chanyeol."

he heard namjoon suck in a sharp breathe while hoseok looked shaken. there was silence, until namjoon spoke up.

"jungkook, do you seriously not remember?" namjoon's voice came out soft, in contrast to his usual gruff tone. jungkook tilted his head in confusion, slowly letting go of chanyeol's hand.

"when you were a kid, do you remember who raised you?" namjoon asked, stepping forward. "do you remember who would bandage you up whenever you fell off on the playground?"

jungkook thought, hard.

"joonie, it hurts!"  jungkook wiped his tears with the back of his hands as his bloody knee was on display.

"i know kooks, but we need to clean it up." namjoon sighed, biting his lip as jungkook winced at the pain.

"thank you, joonie." jungkook whispered, hugging the older boy.

"no problem."

jungkook gasped, suddenly reminiscing the past.



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