t w e n t y e i g h t

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"This house is HUGE!" Jungkook gasps, carelessly dropping his heavy backpack as soon as the front doors open. Yoongi groans as the item crushes his foot.

"You know what else is huge? This d--" Taehying starts, but Seokjin whacks his head before he could continue. They watch as Jungkook and Jimin jump onto the vast couch. Namjoon heads straight to the glass doors which lead to the view of the natural scenery before them.

Yoongi drops his luggage as their security unloads the rest. He plops onto the couch, only to get attacked by Jimin and Jungkook.

"This couch was meant for cuddle piles!" Jimin exclaims, throwing himself onto the older. Jungkook joins in, nuzzling into Yoongi's side. Yoongi turns his head, planting a kiss onto Jungkook's lips.

The youngest hums in delight, deepening the kiss. Jimin pouts at the lack of attention. "You guys are mean, man." He says, standing up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen. He hears Yoongi laugh into the kiss.

Meanwhile, Seokjin and Taehyung were checking the bedrooms out.

"Jeez, I can't believe Namjoon bought a 10 bedroom mansion." Seokjin snickers, opening the door to another bedroom. Taehyung follows suit, his eyes scanning his surroundings.

"I call dibs on this room!" Taehyung shouts, jumping onto to Super king-sized bed. Seokjin tackles him,

"No!" Jin growls, trying to push Taehyung off the mattress. "I'm the eldest, I get to choose!" Taehyung wraps his leg around Seokjin's waist, fighting back.

"You can't always pull that card Hyung!" Taehyung screeches as Seokjin manages to push him onto the floor. He gets up, pouting at the older as he dusts himself off.

"Dear god-- we can share." Seokjin shakes his head, extending a hand out to the younger. Taehyung climbs into the bed, straddling him. The younger kisses Seokjin for a moment before pulling away,

"Mhm, and what if I wanna jerk off at 2 AM? You'll still wanna share?" Taehyung whispers, both hands holding Seokjin's face. Seokjin pinches Taehyung's waist and the younger yelps.

"You're nasty." Seokjin scrunches his nose in disapproval, Taehyung pecks his lips in response.

"Stop acting like you haven't done worse." He says, trying to climb off of the bed, but Seokjin keeps his hold on Taehyung.

"You know-- I'm kind of bored." The older hums, latching his lips onto Taehyung's neck, sucking softly. "And horny." He adds, his lips peppering kisses up to the younger's jaw.

Taehyung sighs in satisfaction, tilting his head back. And I think everyone knows what went down after that.

Namjoon walks to the living room and he spots Jungkook and Yoongi passed out, both snoring softly. He cracks a small smile at the sight, throwing a blanket onto the two.


Quick filler chapter!! I was gonna write smut but I wasn't sure if people would like it :// let me know!!

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