Chapter 14

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I swung to Liz's house in my suit. I crawled through an open window. I crawled along the ceiling quietly towards the living room. Flash was the DJ for the party. "FLASH THOMPSON!!!" I yelled. The room was silent. I haven't revealed myself yet. "Yeah who's talking?! Yoh want a piece of me?! Show yourself!" He screamed. I dropped to the floor in front of him. I stood up. He backed away. "Hello....Eugene." "You're him. You're Spider-Man." "That would be my name." "Who told you about this party?" "My friend Peter Parker, who tells me that you have become quite an annoyance to him lately." "You know Peter?" "Know him...him and I are best buds at the Stark internship. Don't tell Tony Stark I said that though, he might get jealous." I turned around to everyone. "Hiya! I'm Spider-Man." I said waving at them. "Is there a Liz Allen here? Peter told me that this was her party and she wanted to meet me." I asked looking around the crowd. "No? Okay then well I have to-" "Wait!! I'm here!" I heard a voice. I turned around to reveal Liz running to me. "Ms. Allen?" "Yes that's me Spider-Man." "You should thank Peter the next time yiu see him. I've been quite busy lately. So, me being here is lucky." I told her. My spidey senses went off. A low booming sound went off in my head. "I'm sorry but I've got to go. Great party Liz! Have fun!" I yelled as ran out the house towards a puple haze in the distance. Everyone followed me outside. "Nice something interesting." I told myself.

I swung towards the haze and saw a burst of blue energy shoot out and cause an explosion

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I swung towards the haze and saw a burst of blue energy shoot out and cause an explosion. "Whoa! What the heck was that?!" I yelled. I landed on an abandoned overpass and crawled underneath it. I saw a white van and three men. I landed was watching them. "It's a gun deal." I whispered. They had a giant gun that blasted purple energy that looked very deadly. phone blared a ringtone. It was Ned. My eyes on my mask widened. Seriously Ned?! Right now?! The men looked around confused raising their guns at one of the men. "You set us up!" "What! No I didn't." "Uh oh. Hey! Why don't we put the guns down yeah?" I said landing on the ground putting my hands up. "Why don't you try to shoot me instead? See how that works out for you." I said. The men screamed. "Uh oh! It's the Spiderfreak!" "Hey that's not very nice!!" I said webbing him. The men got into the van and sped off. "Hey come back here." I said swinging after them. I grabbed onto the van with my webs. The van was speeding down roads. Then the web snapped when a man opened the back door of the van and fired his weird purple tech gun. "Aw geez!" I tumbled and skidded down the road. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I said. I got to my feet and jumped onto a roof of a house. The van was making unexpected turns. I was running on top of rooftops of houses jumping from house to house. "I'm gonna get ya.....I'm gonna get ya....I'm gonna get ya....and...I've got you right where I WANT YOU!" I said jumping off the roof of a house. "SURPRISE!!" I screamed jumping off the roof towards the van. I was suddenly yanked into the sky. "What the?" I asked looking up. I saw a dark shadowy figure with wings. "Hey don't you know that it's not cool to suddenly drop in unannounced? I mean the nerve!" I quipped. The guy had wings. "Whoa! Cool! Are you a bird?" I asked pulling at the mechanical claws of the figure that were around my shoulders. The man was climbing higher and higher into the sky. "How much higher are we going to go? To space? That seems like a very bad idea...unless you can go to space then that's not a good thing for me." I said to myself. I was suddenly pulled out from the grip of the figure. A parachute had opened up from the back of the suit. "Cool....IT'S NOT WORKING VERY WELL!!! I'M STILL FALLING.....FAST!!!!" I screamed falling through the sky. I crashed into a lake with a loud splash. My eyes closed involuntarily and was knocked unconscious for a while under the water. 

I was lifted out of the water by a figure but couldn't see who it was

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I was lifted out of the water by a figure but couldn't see who it was. I was dangling in the arms of the figure that rescued me. I looked up to see Iron Man. A few minutes later I was sitting on a jungle gym unmasked. I was soaking wet and shivering from the cold. "Thanks Mr. Stark. You put a parachute in the suit?" "Yes I even put in this heater as well." He said. My suit began to heat up. "Ooh, that feels nice." I said as I began to warm up. "What were you thinking kid?" "There are weapons being sold that have the capacity of mass destruction, Mr. Stark. I intend to stop it. Then there's this weird flying vulture guy who snatched me up into the sky and began increasing his altitude." "Okay kid. One, stop going after the weapon dealers. Two, stop worrying about the flying vulture guy let the authorities handle it." he said. Something dawned me. "I thought you weren't in New York?" "Oh I'm not here." He said. The mask of the metal suit flipped open to reveal an empty suit. "Oh." I said caught off guard. "Look kid stop worrying about this. This is not your job to handle this." "But Mr. Stark." "I'm sorry. Mr. Stark is not available right now. Goodbye." said Friday his AI. The suit flew away. I sighed. "Of course he doesn't want me to go after this vulture guy. Doesn't mean I'm going to listen." I said as I swung back home. I got a call from Ned. "Hey man what's up?" "I'm going home." "Um okay. So am I." I said. I really want to be with Cassie right now and see her smile.

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