Chapter 8

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I woke up in a sweat and a gasp. I wiped my face off with my palm. I was shirtless. My heart was pounding. "What the FUCK was that?!" I whispered. I closed my eyes and my nightmare replayed in my mind.  I was in a dark alley and I had a noise come from the other end of the alley from behind me. "Oh....Peeeter??? That is your name isn't it? Peter Parker? Oh wait...or is it Stiles Stilinski? How you doing...Spider-Man? That IS who you are, right? Spider-Man?" "Who's there?" "We are one but we are two...." "We....who's we?" I asked tensing up while turning around. A dark silhouette was stalking towards me. It was a man. The figure stepped out of the shadows. "Remember me?" "Eddie?" "So you do know who I am! Great! It will make me killing you a whole lot more fun." Eddie said. "What are you talking about? Why did you say we before?" "Oh that? Get a load of this...we...ARE...VENOM!!" Eddie exclaimed as he morphed into a black suit like my Spidey suit. It was had white eyes and long razor sharp teeth and a very long tongue. He roared and pounced on me.

I was sitting in the bed breathing heavily. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. I wiped my forehead off with the back of my hand. I looked over at the hologram clock projected off the wall across the room. 3:35 AM. I got out of the bed and searched for my shirt. I heard a skittering sound from across my room. I stopped searching under my bed and peered my head up over the bed. I saw a small black furry object walking on top of my dresser. I walked over to it. It was a cat. It meowed when it looked at me. "How did you get in here?" I asked cocking my head at the cat. I put my hand out towards it and the cat rubbed its head alongside the top of my hand and purred. "Are you someone's cat? Did you run away?" I asked. Oh my god....I'm talking to a freaking cat. The cat jumped off the dresser and jumped onto my bed and got comfortable. I sighed. I looked out the window. It was pouring down heavily. "Fine you can sleep here tonight." I said walking over to the bed and sitting down. The cat hopped into my lap and purred softly. I sighed and pet the cat's head and scratched its ears. I brought my legs up onto the bed and lied back on the headboard and fell back asleep...trying my damndest to try and not go back to that nightmare.

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