My new life

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I sit in my yard today as I'm writing this. I need her to know. I need for her to remember, for when I'm gone.
I can't help thinking about that day that changed everything. That's where it all started after all. I could have been normal. She could have been normal.
Why couldn't it have been someone else. But no it had to be me the unluckiest person alive. Luck that got rubbed onto her. Past down person to person.
As a kid I always got hurt because I was always tripping and falling now I know that there was a reason behind it. Will she know? Will she find this before its to late for her? Just like it was for me.
Boy if I could I would have changed that day at least for her, I would have. Someone has to be the stopping point maybe it can be her.
It was New Year's Day a little before 12:00am. I was 5 years old sitting on my bed. I couldn't see anything in my room because of the darkness except the door that lead to the backyard. Which gave a little light into the room.
I don't know why I wasn't asleep my parents has sent me to bed hours before this. But I was so excited and I didn't know why.
You know that feeling you have before your birthday or Christmas. That's how it felt but my birthday was months away. So I just lay there wanting to jump up and run through the house.
Then three people in long black coats appeared two were men and one was a women.
"Well her she is. Just look at her." Said one of the men. "Kind of young isn't she."
"Are you sure that this is the right girl?" said the woman
"Why don't we ask her instead of talking about her like she isn't here." said the second men
"Ok then." says the woman, "Hello, I have one question to see if your who we are looking for. It's can you see and hear me?"
I looked at her frozen first because these people just appeared in my room and secondly because that seemed like the stupidest question ever.
"I...I can see you just fine." I said in a whisper
"Excellent!" replays the woman "Cole are you going to meet her or are you going to stand in the dark watching her."What who was she talking to? Weird people.
"I don't know? Will you kill me if I do? And besides I love the dark." Came a voice from the conner of my room. The voice sounded somewhat known to me and he seemed to be holding back a laugh.
"Don't be know that we aren't aloud to kill you." says one of the men
Then a man with dark hair and the bluest eyes came into the little light.
"Hey I've seen you before." I say when I see his face
"So you could see me." he replied with a small smile. It was a smile that I couldn't help return.
"You where at the park by the swings. You where watching me." I said more like a question because the I was confused on why this would be true.
"Something like that." He looked away from me as he said this and it made me want his fearful eyes to watch me.
"Wait why are all of you in my room ?" I asked finally getting my brain to start working. I'm too tired for this.
"Because we need to get you into training right away." said the woman
"Yes, every slayer needs training or they could get killed."
"Slayer? Killed?" Something about all of these people seemed off but Cole, something about him made me want to run into his arms. Like he was my big brother, but then again something was so wrong about that as well I don't randomly want to hug people.
"Without training yes you could easily be killed and you my dear are a slayer."
"What's a slayer?" I looked at Cole but he wouldn't look at me. I was starting to become scared.
"A slayer is someone that protects the humans from the worlds they can not see with their own eyes."
"Are you a slayer?"
"No we guards. Are job is to protect slayers and train them till they can fend for themselves."
"Oh." That made no since what-so-ever.
"Are you ready to leave then so we can train."
Leave what did they mean I can't leave my parents would be so scared if I just vanished. They would think I had got kidnapped or something.
"I can't." I finally say to them
The three in black look at one another then at me.
"Since today is your birthday we will let you say here but we will come back tomorrow for you and then you have to leave." Says the woman. All I could think about was how it wasn't my birthday.
Then they left except Cole who stood behind just for a second then he to disappeared just like the rest.
I didn't remember falling asleep when I woke up. Geez I didn't even remember what had happened at first. But when I did I just told myself that it was a dream. And I went on with my day as if it hadn't happened. And I believed that it didn't for a while.
But later my family and me when to the park. And of course the girl that was always picking on me was there. I saw a stick by her and thought about hitting her with it and just like that the stick fell through the air and almost hit her. She look at me with wide eyes and yelled "You witch!" then she ran home.
How did I do that? Was all I could think then I saw Cole standing by a tree. What was he doing here?
When I got home I went straight to bed I was so tired which was weird because just minutes before I had tons energy. But first thing my head hit the pillow.
"Skie. Wake up. Skie."
Someone was shaking me. My eyes fell open to see Cole was trying to wake me up. I froze for a second then I realized how close he was to me. I pushed at him with all my might. He didn't move an inch.
"Hi to you too." he says with a smile
"Cole move away from her now." Came one of the guards voices
"Ya, ya I know." he replied while taking a step back to the wall. He kept his eyes on me the whole time. "If you didn't want me near her then why didn't you wake her up yourselves. Oh that right I forgot about the rule. Sorry my bad." He says sending a glare their way.
"Are you ready to leave for training Skie?" asked the guards, ignoring Cole's comment.
"I don't want to. Please don't make me go with them." I begged looking at Cole but he just looked at me and shook his head to silently say to me. I can't.
"You have to come with us Skie, your powers have been used now they will continue to grow and you need to know who to control them."
"Powers?" I'm not sure why but all I could think of was the park earlier that day.
"Yes powers. You have an endless amount of them." I smiled to myself and thought what like superman. "It's why you became so tired they are small now and take a lot of energy to use but once we get them really going they can't be stopped."
"What is he?" I asked because for some reason I thought he was different from the guards. The thought just popped in my head out of nowhere. Like a really big 'HEY LOOK AT THIS' moment.
The man smiled "You see your powers are growing." He gave a small laugh then said "And very quickly if you can since that Cole is the king.."
"Um, I don't think so." Interrupted Cole
"She has the right to know." The guard replies.
"Not right now." He barks.
"We made a deal." Yells all the guards at the same time.
"Not until she is stinger enough to help herself that was the deal." It was like watching a ping-pong game back and forth each hit getting harder.
"Umm what are you Cole it's ok you can tell me." I said in a whisper.
"You really want to know?" he asked me.
I node but I could see the fear in his eyes but something told me that I needed to know. "Yes." I said hoping I didn't sound as scared as I felt.
Should I tell her the truth? Would she know what it's means to be the king of the underworld? And what if she knows what it means?
I jumped up and ran as far away from them as I could get. Fear taking over before I thought it through. My mind knowing that whatever he was, it was dangerous for me to be around him. Somewhere in my mind the king of the underworld=pain for me.
"What's wrong Skie?" asked Cole but he looked like he knew
"Get away! Leave me alone!" I screamed. I was ready to defend myself.
"Skie what's the problem?" he asked with a calm voice he put a hand out in my direction took a small step closer
"Don't came any closer!" I was shaking very badly and wondering why my parents couldn't hear me.
"Skie?" another step a look of determination on his face.
"Stop!" I felt tires behind my eyes. I couldn't fight him even if I wanted to. I didn't know how. I felt the need to protect myself from him but it scared me that I didn't know how.
He walked right up to me and put his hand on my cheek and wiped a tired away from my face. I instantly felt calmer, safer, how did he do that?
"What do you know Skie?" he asked me in a small voice
"Your the king of the underworld. You're going to kill me aren't you?" I say as I try and look away from his face but his hand held my face making me look at him. I was so small and fragile compared to him. Somehow I knew it would always be that way.
"I am the king but I quite." He replied
"Why would you quite?"
"For a girl I met a long time ago."
My curiosity always seems to win over. "Who was she?"
"Me?" I asked stunned
He toke a step away from me, like I shocked his hand. "How did you know that?"
"You just said so." I replied confused, didn't he or was I hearing things again?
"So she can read mind as well."said the guard
And before I could say anything they left but just like last time Cole stayed behind. He looked at me then left.

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