My first kiss

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My first kiss was a man who is the king of the underworld I'm doomed. I can never tell my friends or family ever but that's not what I was thinking about at the time. All I could think of was how good it was and how I wanted more.
I don't know what came over me. It worse then my thirst for blood and it way 10x better and I had no control over my mind or body everything just screamed MORE. Then a knock on the door and the small fact that someone pulled me away woke me from Cole's spell. Then before I could get my mind around what just happened someone hit Cole in the face so hard that he fell off the bed.
I looked around to find the mystery person and for some reason I wasn't surprised to find Hinzu. "Hi Hinzu." I smiled at him like he didn't hit someone in my room and I smiled like he didn't just catch me kissing the enemy.
"Hello my dear." He smiled back sweetly. Then he put his hand to my head, looked in my eyes and asked what's the last thing I remember.
For some odd reason this seemed like the funniest thing in the word the me and I just started laughing like no tomorrow. "Oh dear." he said when he saw my reaction.
"Wh..what's wrong?" I asked him barely getting the words to come out with all the laughing I was doing.
"He sure did give you a lot. It's a good thing I came up here or he wouldn't have just got a kiss." he said to me.
"What are you talking about. Your so funny." I said and I lightly pushed his shoulder. "oh my god did you see him fly." I screamed of laughter to Cole when my light push sent Hinzu across the room. "Hey man." I said to Hinzu. "hey." I laughed. "You okay man?"
"Yes sweeting, now let's get you to my room ok." he smiled and walked over to me putting his hand on my arm to guide me out of the room.
"But I want to stay here and kiss Cole." I laughed in his ear while pointing with my hand to where Cole was a minute again but had now vanished. "Oh never mind I think he left." I laughed
"Yep he left dear."
When I woke up I was in a room that had the one bed I was lying on and a million things of tables covered in different peaces of cloth, the walls were covered in hand drawn dresses and then was a dress hung up that was white. If I didn't know better I would say it was a wetting gown but who am I.
I stood up only to fall back down because the room started spinning. I tried to reminder how I got to this room but I couldn't remember anything after the secret room my sister and I found. Oh my God my sister I completely forgot she's gone.
I felt tires come down my face silently for my loss then I heard someone walk to me.
"Sweetie what ever is the matter?" Ask none other then Hinzu himself.
"I miss Oplio." I said simply
"Why she'll be back someday?"
"I know but I don't want to wait for her." he thought about this for a while then sat down next to me careful not to get to close.
"Let me tell you something your sister has to find you just so she can watch you die, so that she has to wait for you to come back just so you won't remiber her. Then the thing repeats its gone on for all of time and that's how it will be forever. So for this once maybe you can wait for her." I thought about this while looking at my hands.
"Yes I can wait for her long as you promise me that I, not the next person, me. Promise me that I will see her." I say to him.
"My dear I don't make promises unless I'm positive that it will happen. So my question is did she tell you that you would see her again?"
"Yes she did."
"Then my dear I promise." This started me and filled me with happiness.
"Thank you."
"My pressure. Now let's talk about last night."
"Last night?" I asked. What happened last night?
"You where drugged dear." I was really quite so he continue. "By Cole he gave you some kind of love drug and he kissed you."
"How come I don't remember this?" I ask simply.
"Well I can try something to make you remember. If you would like me too?" I nodded needing to know if it was really true about Cole. He didn't say anything he just bent my head back with his hand on the back of my neck and he other hand covering my eyes. And everything started hitting me like walls.
Last night. The kiss. The laughing. The stars. Then other things started hitting harder then the last ones. Me as a kid Cole watching but me every really realizing tons of different places. He was always there my whole growing up then me as a baby I couldn't have been more then a year old and my parents where fighting in their room across the hall. And then Cole appeared, I clapped and smiled like this was some kind of game. But he wasn't alone there was someone beside him.
"Just kill her so we can go." the man said
"Are you sure this is her?"
"Yes everything points right to her, she's were the trail ends. It has to be her."
"I'm not sure if we kill her now then we have to find her. Again."
"Good point but do you want her to figure out who she is. So she will be able to fight you."
"I love a good fight." he smiled at me ruffled my short blonde hair then continued "Or we could always get her to fight for us, you know have her on our side."
"Even better."
"Then it's settled I'll watch her grow up then when the time comes she will be ours."
And with that they left and the memory faded into nothing.

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