The first person I have ever trusted

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My family was always moving around and even though my family didn't know it, it was because I was making them so that I could do my job in different places and so that the Demands couldn't know where I was. One day I realized that I couldn't stay were I was any longer 3 years was to long. Some had already found me, so we moved to a place were I sinced a great evil something with huge power.
I was in the 8th grade and that first day of school I met him a guy named Nick and his best friend was a girl named Storm I didn't know how back then but they both where a big reason for why I was there. I made a lot of friends but they were the only ones I really trusted one day I was talking to Storm and she was talking about how she knew me so well and stuff like that and I looked at her and said "You don't know anything about me. You really don't so don't say you do." I regretted saying it after I did because then she wanted to know what she didn't know and the only reason I said it was because I was trying to make her not trust me even though she did. She didn't get that I was dying for her blood more then anyones it just had this smell that made my mouth water I wanted so bad to bit her and drink every drop.

But she wouldn't let it go she started asking our other friends telling them what I said so I made the rash choose and told her to walk home with me.

It was bad idea being that close to her that was for sure but I told her the truth I looked at her and said "I'm half vampire." she was the weirdest human I had ever met she didn't scream or run away she simply looked at me and said

"Really? That's amazing your half a vampire half human that's so neat!"

"No I'm half vampire half slayer."

And that's how it began I told her everything about my world she loved it but she had loved it long before I had came. You see some humans have the ability to see my world or the things in it over time more and more humans have come to be able to do it. But there's a rule in my world don't tell humans about us if they don't know. I know that I was telling her more then what she should know but I couldn't help it I finally had someone that I trusted I felt better. I didn't know if he could be trusted but I ended up trusting Nick too.

And for Cole I hadn't seen him but everyone was telling me that he was doing terrible things and killing slayers. I wasn't sure what to do but I knew the day was coming were I would have to kill him.

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