My True Enemy

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It was finally time for me to tell Storm that I was going to die and I wouldn't have told her except I needed her to be there. So the next time I could talk to her I told her about how on December 24 her, Iss and I and two people that I didn't know. We were all going to the Empire State Building in New York. We where going to face a women that was trying to stop time on just earth and by doing this it would kill every human by their own sun.
She agreed to come but I had one important job for her to do. I told her that if Iss went up in that building she is would die. But the truth is I couldn't let Storm see that the women was her. She agreed to my plan and now it was just time.
But something wasn't right I kept thinking about Hinzu and how he said that Cole wasn't my enemy. How he said that there was men meaning more then one person that they killed my mom and sisters. Who was these people?
Then I thought about what he said before the ball. I hadn't thought about this since my sister left. What did he say? The things that protect us really hurt us and all of our kind stick together they were just waiting for me to realize what's going on and when I do they will be ready.
Who where these things, why were they hurting us for and why didn't anyone talk about it or fill me in. And why didn't the guards help they were suppose to protect us weren't they..... Oh.
The things that protect us are the guards but I mean I hate them more then anyone. But they've never hurt me. Have they.
That's when I had another flash back. It was of the day my mom died. They had just took me. I couldn't see their faces because of the dark in fact that's all I saw was dark. But I knew they where there. "Mom!" I cried for her to come save me.
"Your mom can't help you now." came a man's voice.
"Please let me go." I begged knowing that it wouldn't really work.
"I want your powers little girl."
"You'll kill me before you can get it." I said knowing more then them.
"Why would I care if you die."
"I'll die before you can get any of my magic you idiot. You should have done your homework."
"What do you mean? Would you really kill yourself?"
"No but my body is made so that if someone starts to get my magic that I don't want to have it." I took a deep breath. "My magic with explode killing us all."
"She tells the truth this happened with the mom." said a woman's voice.
"How do we fix this problem?" Asked the man.
"Make it so that whenever she dies her magic is just reborn with another." said the woman.
"Good idea but how about we make it a copy. That way nothing happens to her really and we can keep her just incase something goes wrong."
"Brilliant master." then the woman stood really still staring at me. Then a girl appeared she looked just like I did back then.
"She perfect, now kill her." the girl was lying on the ground dead before I could think of how it happened.
"Now she'll be reborn with no memory of her past life." Said the man more like a question.
The memory faded. I'm just a copy. I'm not real. I'm not really here all of this is all in my mind.

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