Another secret

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After everyone had left she told two guards to come with us into the door way. I asked her why and if it could be dangerous. She said no that they were here to watch me. I didn't understand why I needed to be guards but I didn't question it.

We walked through a walkway that lead down when we got to the bottom there was a lot of righting that wasn't English and a door. "Do you know what all of this says." she asked
"Why would I know?" I asked
"You made it."
"Ummm....."i looked at the walls really hard.
"Nope. Sorry." she didn't say anything so I looked to she what she doing. She was standing next to something that I did get. It was a picture of my first memory the one were I made this world and met my true family. She was looking at the same thing I was. We both retched out and touched it at the same time. It glow and then a door opened out of nowhere. I walked in first and my sister fallowed but when the guards tried to get through something stopped them it was like an invisible wall. She stopped and told them to wait here.

Right after she turned away from them the door shut. And I woman appeared out of nowhere. She looked like my mom from my past. And I guess Oplio thought the same thing because she ran up to her and hugged her. "Mom?" I asked
"No I'm sorry I'm not your mom." she looked down at Oplio gave her a small smile. Oplio looked at her said sorry then walked back over to me.
"Who are you are you then?" I asked felling bad for Oplio.
"A friend." she said. Me and Oplio looked at each other not really sure if that was suppose to mean something to us. She saw us and contended. "A friend of your moms she can hear us but can't see us she isn't here but she's ok."
"How do we know we can trust you?" I asked.
"You can't."
"Your a copy aren't you?" asked Oplio
"Yes, I am."
"What's a copy?" I whispered to Oplio
"I'll tell you later." she replied I nodded.
"What are you doing here." I asked her.
"I've come with a warning from your mom. You girls are in danger." she looks at Oplio and said "They know and their coming. It's time to do what you promised." Something about this sent red flags up.
"Oplio..." I whispered "What's going on?" She turned so she was facing me, she grabbed me light as a feather as if she was scared that if she held me to hard I would pop like a balloon.
"Did Hinzu tell you that we where ready?" I looked at her finally remembering what he said before the ball.
"Yes but I don't understand what he said." she gave me a sad smile pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear.
"I know but I don't have time to explain and you can't ask anyone about it." something about all this didn't seem right. But she just kept talking, "I'm so sorry little sis but I have to leave you soon."
"What why?" I grabbed onto like a lifeline and I started crying this wasn't right I just found her I can't loss her again. She promised me she would always wait for me, it's not right.
"Shh shh I know but I made a promise to both you and mom that said I would protect you from the people that killed mom and they know about your magic now. They coming for you. And now I have to take your place. Hinzu will take good care or you and I promise you one day I will come back to you but until then I need you to do your best. Everyone here is on your side but everyone else," she signed "you can't trust."
And with that she disappeared. Her and the woman both vanished. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.
Then a voice from deep within me said "The stupid curse that runs through your blood is why she had to leave, she's telling everyone that it's her with the curse. But you can't tell anyone that you know this information and you can't show other people your hidden rooms because there is things that bad people shouldn't get there hands on." then it just stopped talking and the door opened.
I met up with the guards who had a million questions but I didn't understand a single word of it then the room started shaking like crazy and someone hit me in the head from behind.

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