Alzurna Linquina Sweulear

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"I'm awake." she whispers to me. "You woke me up with my name. How did you know."
"I didn't." I say. "Your the voice from before the one that told me not to talk to people about the secret caves."
"Yes that was me I only had enough power to sent you the one message. When my body is asleep it doesn't make magic so it's very weak."
"Why didn't you just wake up then?" I asked think that it was an easy fix the hard problem.
"Because I was living in your mind I forgot that I was here. Your life was my dream and I didn't want to wake up to the nightmare. But now I'm here and we can find a way out of here so we can save everyone."
"Who's everyone? I thought it was just you there." I asked confused.
"No Skie every single last slayor is here trapped, everyone you know is a copy besides one person. Hinzu. He's the only person they didn't take and I don't know why."
"It was a trap everyone that had somewhat strong magic came to save me and they trapped them in the spot. Then they went for everyone that didn't come. Small children and teenagers the sick and helpless. They had everything planned out."
"They don't have Storm because I made her a slayor."
"I know you think that but Storm was always a slayor her powers where just locked away. Storm is really our little sister. I don't know how but she got away and mom locked her powers away then put her in the future to meet you."
"Oh that um changes things."
"Yeah kind of." she laughter at my startled voice. "You need to save us everything about your life has been for this moment now you must come for us."
"Why me though?"
"Because your the only person I can trust. I can only trust myself with the secrets. And Cole you must find and help him. Stop fighting, Skie you're whole growing up was a lie by the guards. They want you to kill Cole and hate him because then know that if you end up loving him, you'll be to strong for anyone to control."
I guess this is the part of the story here I tell you I run to her rescue. I defeated all the bad guess and I live happily ever after. And life goes great for everyone.
But what if I told you that I told her to enjoy her hell and go about my life like it was before I met her. What if I told you that I didn't care about all of those slayors that where trapped wherever they where. Because to me they where right here in my town at my parties. Dancing with each other, laughing, smiling, and living happy lives. What if I told you that I didn't go back because I was worried that she would take my life away from me. Would I be wrong, would you hate me for what I choose to do would you think I was a terrible person. Probably.
Do you want to know what I did because it's something your dying to find out. Was I the good or bad guy in this story. Do you hate or love me. Do I save the day or walk away. I curses what do my dear think I end up doing.
I know you won't remember what I did right away. The deaths are always the last things to come back after all. But one day you'll remember. Until then try not to hate me for pulling you into their little game.
Sweet dreams until the next night, little pawn.

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