My first memory

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After he said that I saw something but it was weird it was like when you put a cloth over your face and you can see through it. Well it was like that but I saw two girls both with white hair and the lightest blue eyes one older then the other. I don't know how I knew but they were my sisters. Then a woman walked up to them a she had the weirdest hair but the neatest ever it had every natural color of hair there was it was hard to explain it's kind of like how someone can have highlights but with every color there is. And her eyes were rainbow how was that possible. That woman she's my mom....We were all sitting on a white floor and white walls all except one which was all glass I look for me but I wasn't there instead there was a girl with long silver hair with the same rainbow eyes but hers were almost to light to see.

The girl with silver hear said something to the mom and the mom smiled then the girl raised her hand and what I saw next I'm unable to say in words all I can say is that she made the world I'm standing on I knew it was a long time ago but it hasn't changed very much how could that be. And that girl it was me wasn't it but how can that have been me if I don't remember it and she looked older then me?

"That was you in a past life. To be honest it was your first life." Said the guards.

"How did you know what I saw." I asked. I had a headache starting.

"We can read your mind."

"I'll make sure to find a way to stop that." I promised
I walked around the town first. I'm wanted to see the people that lived here and mostly because I was scared to go into the castle I felt like if I went in there it would all come true and I would have to be this princess and I wasn't ready for that how in the world did they expect me to rule a world.

When I first started walking in the town there were no people. I was about to ask about this when a little girl ran up to me.

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