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I ran all the way home and I didn't stop till I got there. What was he thinking, did he want us to fight? Was he ready to finally kill me?Was he really fallowing me and if so why? And more then anything I wanted to know why I felt the way I did.

Nothing was making since. Why did I run like that now he probably thinks I'm chicken and weak. He probably was laughing at me right now. When I got home I flopped onto my bed. "Why?" I whispered to myself then I fell asleep.

God I hate it when they try to sneak into my room those stupid guards of mine are always testing me. Why can't I just sleep for once? It has only been an hour. Whatever guess this is my life now. But I can always scared the crap out of them. And at that I jumped out of bed and pined the first thing I saw to the ground.
"Ok. Ok. You win." came a voice that wasn't my guards
"Cole?" I started to jump up but this time he grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him.
"Cole! I..." I began but he cut me off
"Was going to run away again?"
"........." I didn't want to tell him he was right.
" I see. Don't we have to fight?"
"I...." I began again as I tried to pull away from him but he wouldn't let me go. I pulled harder hoping to catch him off guard at my power.
"My dearest Skie what am I going to do with you? Hm?" he said as he reached up to touch my face but I just pulled even harder. He ignored my struggle and brushed a single tear from my face then left his palm on my cheek. I froze what was he doing.
"Look at you, you've changed since the last time I did this. You never fought me this much."
He did it. He hit the nail to my grave and I fell apart. I gave up fighting him and I cried. And punched him hard in the chest with my free hand. He didn't look hurt at all. "You left me. It's been 9 years. 9!"
"What? Just leave me alone. You don't care. Why would you?" He picked me up in his arms like I was that five year old girl again and put me in bed. Then he tucked me in and kissed my head.
"What are you doing?" I asked will he brushed the hear from my face"
"I was buying time so I could think of something to say to you. Something that will fix this hurt you feel." he replied slowly
"How's that working for you?" Sarcasm dripping in my voice. Praying in my hear he would leave so I could gather myself. I know what I am. I know what he is. I can't care about him in the slightest. He's the enemy. I try to remind myself these things but my mind was rebelling, it craved sleep for its escape.
"Not well at all." He answered with a laugh then he said "How about I do care about you a lot and I've never left even if you think I did I always watched you and I know that doesn't help any but I just wanted you to know that."
"Great so your my own personal stacker." I said as I roll over so he can't see my face. All I could hear was his laugh.
Then I felt something on my head "Did you just pat me?" I asked
"Yes I did. Why?"
"I'm not five anymore you know?"
"Yes I know. Speaking of which aren't you going to kill me?" Wasn't he supposed to be killing me?
"Cole......I..." Don't want to. I wanted to say but knew I wasn't aloud to think that way. Let alone say it. He'd probably use it against me.
"I know." then he was gone.

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