I work alone at least I thought I did

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I didn't see Cole at all the next night but my guards showed up with some guy I didn't know. And I kind of made my guards mad because first thing I saw the guy I tried to kill him. Oh don't kill things because you know what they are. At least know if their bad or good before hand. Hopefully you'll find this before you hurt a good person.
"This mans name is Spike and as you can tell (because you tried to kill him) he is a vampire." said the woman

[note to the you:my so called guards won't tell me their names they say it's some kind of law they have I say that it's stupid]

"Why is he here if I'm not suppose to kill him?" I asked in the meanest, hatefulest, voice I can do. Shooting daggers at all of them.

"Because he was a slayer and he wants to continue to do his job and we don't want to kill him just because this happened."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You get to watch him."

"No way I'm not your babysitter and frankly I work alone. Plus I don't trust him."

"Skie you will do what we say or someone might get hurt." oh I hate when they play that card, one of these days I'll find a way to protect my family from everything in my world. No one will be able to get to them.

"Ya someone might and by someone I mean him!"

"Skie..."Spike began "I know how you feel I wouldn't want to do this if the problem was the other way around but I need your help if I'm out there fighting and a human gets hurt some how I need someone to be there to stop me. But I won't stop fighting them one way or the other." god this guy is as bad as the guards playing the human life card on me but I'll give him so credit for being good at it.

"Fine! But one wrong move and I'll kill you myself."

"That's alright with me." He smiled knowing that he won the war. There was a softness to his eyes when he looked at me. I didn't like it.

And that's how I ended up with my "partner". He wasn't that bad he worked hard and never did anything worth questioning. I never asked him how it happened and he never told me. But one day we can across some vampires that where drinking the blood of a human girl.

"Stay here there's blood. I'll get this one." I said to him. He nodded I could tell he was holding his breath.

I left him on the roof and jumped down. I was doing fine and fighting two vampires at once but more started coming because of the smell of blood soon it was one to twelve and I was starting to feel my magic fail. This was taking to much energy out of me. Then someone was fighting with me I didn't check to see who it was and I didn't care ether I was just glade for the help.

When they were all dead I realized that it was Spike that was helping me. "You should get out of here. I know you can't hold your breath for much longer."

"No I can't. I started breathing a few seconds ago."

I knew what he was saying that he could smell the blood and was about to lose it so I acted fast I grabbed him and pinned him to the wall so he couldn't get to the girl. He fought back but I was the stronger of the two of us. Something that didn't make sense at the time. But I didn't have time to think about.

"What are you waiting for Skie, kill me!" He yelled even as his body tried to get to the blood it smell. He was still sane.

"No," I whispered into his ear "Till when you're done losing it I'll hold you here."

"And what if I bit you?"

"You won't do that, I wouldn't even taste good."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because it would be bad to lose a partner after only a few months."

"Skie." I could sense it the smell was to strong he fought harder.

"Ya. What is it?" I gasped.

"I wanted to tell you something incase this goes badly." His nails turned to claws that where rapped around one of my hands.

"This won't go bad but you can still tell me." I was curious what was going though his head at a time like this.

"I...I love you Skie." His hand slipped out of mine and clawed down my arm blood came forth. The smell increased and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold him.

I had never heard anyone tell me that before and I didn't know what to do, the pain, I lost my focus right when he lost it and he over powered me and pined me to the ground. Then he bit me.

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