The hard truth

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Everything about me is fake. I was just made to be able to help get my powers away from myself. It's all a lie my whole life. I walked through the halls not knowing where I was or where I was going until I realized I was in Hinzu's room. He looked up from a drawing he was working on when he heard me come in. "What's wrong?" He asked just somehow knowing.
"Fake. It's all a lie. I'm not real." I whispered somehow he managed to hear my words and he was hugging me, I didn't even see him move. But I didn't hug him back. "I'm not real. This place isn't real. Your not real." I say and I felt him rub my back. He feels so real but he's not.
"Skie I need you to listen to me. You are very real. You are flesh and blood. When you fall down you bleed right?" I nodded. "This place is very real. You made it you know everything about it. I'm very real too Skie I'm right here see blood in my veins and a beating heart." I thought about what he was saying.
"No I didn't make this world it's all in my head I'm...I'm trapped somewhere where everything is red..I'm...I'm not really here I'm just a copy. Your not real just a person that I think is here. Your not real." I say trying my best not to loss it.
"I know your confused but you are real your just not the original. Your not trapped your right here with my but the original you is. And I'm right here but the original is seeing everything from in her mind so it just feels like everything isn't real because to her everything is in her head. But to you it's all right here."
"I'm only alive so they can take my powers." I say
"I know honey. I told you, you would figure it out one day."
"Why didn't you just tell me?"
"Because the last time I tried that you ended up killing yourself thinking you weren't real so you couldn't die. I'm just glad you came to me instead this time."
"I'm losing my mind Hinzu I don't feel like I know who I am anymore. Like my whole life was just so dream."
"You aren't dreaming I promise. You are Skie Ella Hill and you are the my best friend and I promise you, we will save your original."
"Why don't you call her from her name?" I asked because no one did, no one called her by her real name and it bugged me.
"Her name had power all in itself just like her mother before her."
"Please just once I need to hear it."
"Fine her name is Alzurna Linquin Sweulear. Which translates to it can only be the power of a star in English."
"My name." I whispered and just like that a switch went off in my brain and Alzurna woke up.

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