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When I woke up my head had a rap on it and I was in my room. The roof showed that it was late at night an lots of stars were out, I was thinking about how pretty it was when I noticed that someone was right beside me like literally right besides me, way to close. I looked over to see Cole sleeping in the bed with me. I freaked out and pushed him so hard that he fell on the floor before he had even woke up.
"Hey what was that." he woke with a startled look on his face with big eyes. Making me feel just a little bad.
"Sorry you scared me." I said to him
His eyes fell on my face and he looked so happy to see me like I just made Christmas come early. I'm not sure why but my heart pumped really hard and I had to look away from him.
He got up off the floor and sat on the bed. When I still wasn't looking at him he pulled me in his lap.
Red flag!Red flag! "Don't." Said and I tried to craw away.
"No you don't." he said as he pulled me in and held tighter. I looked at him with a million questions running through my head. Like for one why was he in my room? "How's your head?" He asked messing with the rap on my head.
"My head?" Feeling the rap myself.
He gave me a small smile, "A little worse then I thought I see."
"No, no I'm fine."
"If your sure." I nodded then he started playing with my hair. His hand lightly brushed my cheek. The small touch sent my heart flying. Then reality hit me in the face.
This isn't someone I can care about so while my heart told me no, I pulled away because one way or the other this man would hurt me if I didn't. "Don't." I told him and I crawled till I was sitting by myself on the other side of the bed.
"What do I have to do?" He asked
"What do you mean?"
"What do I have to do to prove that I love you and I won't ever hurt you." Did he really just say that? She looking at me like I'm insane. I was wrong she doesn't care about me.
"No no no no." I said and I clawed right up to him not even noticing.
"No what?" He looked at me for a second then, you where listening weren't you?
"Sorry I don't know who it works, it just kind of happens."
"I know." she so beautiful, Skie I really do love you.
"Love? Was all that came out.
He looked at me for a long time. "Yes Skie I love you."
"...." Nothing, I couldn't think of anything to say to him. He came over to me and I scooted an inch away, but he just came closer. He put his hand on my cheek and used his other hand to lightly trace my lips. "We both know that this isn't right." I finally said kicking myself with each word.
"Yeah. But I guess the real question would be, do you really want me to stop?" I looked at him for a second then shock my head no. I didn't have it in me to tell him yes, I was butter at his touch. "Skie," he said my name really slow as if he didn't already have my attention. "Do you love me?"
Yicks! No no no he...he can't...I can't...lets just face it I couldn't answer him or he would use it against me one day. So instead I just leaned forward that last few inches between us and met him in a kiss.

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