Princess Kay

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The girl that ran up to me was probably 4 years old with brown hair and these huge blue eyes. She looked at me and said. "Princess? Are you my princess? You look just like her." Then she closed her eyes for a second then opened them again. "You are her I saw you. You are princess Kay."

"I...." I was lost how did this girl know me wait she thinks I'm someone else who did she call me? Kay? Then a woman ran to the girl and grabbed her hand and said. "Isy! I just told you not to bather the princess she just got here and she's confused." Then she look at me did a small curtsy thing and said "please forgive us my lady she was just excited to finally meat you she sees you a lot in her dreams. Please excuse us." then she ran off with the little kid in hand.

"Who's Kay?" I asked

"That would be you. You picked the name for this world so that you can still us your first fake name back home and no one will know that your the princess.

"Kay? I picked it?"

"Yes. You like to pick names that have a meaning to you even if no one else knows what it is."

"I don't like how close it is to my real name but I see the meaning and long as no one knows it then they won't know who I really am so I'm ok with it." I said more to myself then them.

"Are you ready to see the castle?"

"Do I really get a choose?" I asked but they just started walking to it with is the biggest no you don't get a choose since when did you start to think you did. I really hate them.

First thing I walked into the castle I saw a big ballroom with stairs in the back that led to a thrown. I spun around to look at the big room then I noticed that my guards had left. I went up one of the staircases that led to a tower when I got to the top there was a door. I wasn't sure if I should knock or not so I didn't I pushed the door open a little and peaked my head in.

The room I saw was amazing it was shaped just like the top of a tower would be but the roof was glass I think because you could see the sky the walls were the round stone and old fashioned candles were the only light sores there was. A huge bed that had light blue bedding and a white see through cloth over the howl bed kind of like a tent but not really. There was a desk and dresser made if the same kind of wood then I noticed the woman from earlier was bowing in the corner. She saw me looking at her so he said. "My lady. How was your walk?"

"Fine thanks you. Umm can I ask you something?"

"Anything my lady." she said with a smile.

"Are you bowing at me?" she looked at me a little confused then said. "Would you like me to stop?"

"Yes please." I said with a smile. She stood up tall "is there something wrong with your room my lady?" she said because I had started looking around again.

"No, not at all, it's amazing. Wait you said your room like as in this is my room?"

"Yes my lady."

"Can you just call me by my name please the whole my lady thing makes me feel like I'm a queen and I'm just got here today? please."

"Yes.....My princess. Please excuse me." Then without another word she left.

I walked over to the bed trying to get a grasp on the turn that my life had taken so fast when a voice can from the door way. "Of sweetheart you can't sit around in that we have to get you into something for the ball."

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