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I hated my guards for what they did and they knew it to. And the next night when they came to get me I told them I would go. I hated training almost as much as I hated them. It was almost the same thing every night they would come and get me a little bit after my parents went to bed and I would train until I few minutes before my parents got up. It turned out my body only needed a few hours of sleep a night and I was good for the rest of the day.
Training is hard to explain they pretty much put me in a room with vampires and demons to fight without teaching me anything. They would say that everything I needed would come from inside. I hated that and they wouldn't let me us magic till I learned how to kill them with just my hands. Which I thought was stupid what was the point in having powers if I couldn't use them.
And when your not fighting you're learning to use your powers. As they told me. My powers where endless. And able to do anything I wanted, except flying. They told me I would find somethings that where harder to do then others and there was a very few things I couldn't do but they didn't know what those things where.
Five years later when they had me at home they told me that I had fought everything different kind of Demond they had so I was ready to fight by myself but they told me that there was one that one day I will have to kill and that was the strongest one there was the king. I hadn't seen Cole sense that night with my sister so I didn't worry about fighting him anytime soon.

The next night I went and fought things on my own. Pretty much you run around everywhere looking for Demonds to kill. And I noticed that there was someone watching me from the top of the building but when I looked there wasn't anyone there.

Fours years have past now and I still do the same thing every night and someone always watches me but I can never get them. Cole hasn't been around ether. With I'm ok with for now. I don't want to fight him. But I miss him. And just like how I knew he was bad for me some part of me knew pain was coming.

That night I had just killed a vampire and I knew someone was watching me. I jumped onto a roof across the street to make it seem like I was moving away from them and just like always the fallowed me. I jumped into the road and stood flat to the wall so they couldn't see where I had went. They jumped into the road after me looking to see where I went. I jumped on him and pined him to the ground. I turned him around so I could see his face. "Cole?" was I'll I said before I jumped up and ran all the way home never looking back and praying that I could out run the pain in my heart. Pain I didn't understand.

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