What happened to my mom

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Iss and I went back home after that. And the first thing I did was find Hinzu.
I walked right to his room not really sure how I knew the way. "Hinzu." I called at the door.
"Yes?" Came his voice from the other end of the room. I walked a little way in.
"Where's my mom?" I asked knowing he was the only person I could trust to answer my question.
"Your mom? It's been a long time since you've asked me that. Almost 58 lifetimes." He looked at me like I just asked him to hang himself. "Come, come and sit down." He pointed to two chairs next to a table. I sat down and waited. "Ok the story your about to hear it's not the best. But it will tell you a few things." I was silent so he continued. "Someone saw the great power that made this world and they wanted it for themselves. So they told there friends about it and convicted them that if they could get the person that had that power, they could feed off it and get power of there own. So they came here not really knowing who the power come from. But your mom knew they wouldn't leave till they were convinced they had it. The only problem is that they had already gotten to your little sister before your mom could. They took her and she is believed to be dead."
"Your mother told Oplio and you to go hide. You being you made tons of fake hidden caves in the walls so no one would find you. But the one you went to was special it had a door in it that only let your blood go through. If the person wasn't of your blood then they hit an invisible wall. You stayed on the other side of the door while your sister watched from behind the safety of your magic. You knew someone was going to find you guys and you where going to stop them. When man came into the cave and saw you. They realized you where what they where looking for and they took you somewhere, no one knows how they got through your magic. But anyways no one knows where. When you got there they put a spell on you so that whenever you died you would just come back to life forgetting everything of your past life. You would be born of a family don't get me wrong but you have blood in your vanes that no one in your family will have. And that's how you got here." He finished. And for a second I completely forgot the reason why I was here.
"But what happened to my mom?"
"After the point where she told you to hide, no one knows. Everyone saw this big flash of rainbow light then nothing all the man and your sister and mom where gone."
"So maybe she's alive!" I said with hope. "And who was those men?"
"The man are someone you will have to figure out and no or she would have come back."
I ran out of his room crying and he didn't stop me, he didn't fallow me. He let me cry for my two sisters that I've lost and my mother. And the little girl that can't seem to wake up from the nightmare. The girl who just keeps dying over and over for it to never stop. Yes I cried for myself I cried for my part of the nightmare.

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