My weakness

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I always was thinking about what they said about slayers and powers. But for some reason if my emotions got the better of me ether something would go flying or something would brake I couldn't control my powers. But I wanted to be normal so I decided that this started when they came so maybe if I pretended they weren't there then maybe it would all go away. What can I say I was young and though the saying out of sight out of mind would work.

But every night they came except for Cole he stopped coming and I would never saw him in the day ether but I never asked them why in fact I didn't look or talk to them I pretended that they weren't there.
One day they figured out that I wasn't going to talk to then so they tried to make me acknowledge them. They would yell in my ears and shook me, poked and pinched me. They did this for a week then one day before they left for the night they started talking to one another.
"This is taking to long."
"I agree nothing we are doing works."
"We need to get her trained now, we already lost 4 years."
"Maybe she doesn't care what we do to her."
"Hmm, you know what I think your right. Perhaps we need to find something she cares about. What about her family?"
"That will work."
"Skie I know you can hear us so I want you to know that we are doing this for you and only you will be able to stop it. If you love your family you will come with us, this is your last chance we won't be here tomorrow."
I was so confused my head was spinning, what they were saying meant something to me but what. Then all to late I understood. That they wear going to do something to my family. I had to stop them.
"Wait!" I yelled but they were already gone.

The next day I was freaking out. If there was a noise I would jump. If someone touched me and I wasn't expecting it I would give a small scream and my powers were out of control I sent a number of things throw the air and a broke a few cups and plats. I was surprised that no one had figured out that I was connected to these accidents. And I was so exacted from using my powers so much.
My mom sent me to bed early but I couldn't sleep I kept jumping out of bed to check the doors and windows but nothing was there. I knew that if I fell asleep they would come.
Then I remembered that they said they wouldn't be back tonight and I realized that my family couldn't see them so why would the guards hurt them. I came to the conclusion that they were trying to scare me into leaving and it almost worked. And with that I went to bed and fell asleep.

Someone's in my room I can hear them, they keep coming closer to me. I'm not fully awake I'm probably dreaming. What are they doing?

Then the next thing I know they clover my mouth and have me pinned to the bed. I open my eyes so I can attack them and my lamp goes flying at were the head should be but they just grab it for in the air through it to the ground and pin me again. Like they come across people like me all the time and knew how this went.
"How about you don't try that again," says a voice and I know it "or someone might get hurt." I can tell that they where smiling and it was like they were laughing but not an evil laugh, it a laugh that sounded endearing.
I nod my head so the know that I won't do it again. He put my two small hands into one of his big ones so that he could pat me head and said "Good girl. Now if I let go of your mouth will you scream?" I shook my head no and he let go of my mouth hesitantly.
"Who are you?" I asked in a whisper
"Oh Skie I'm hurt can't you tell?" he said
"Cole?" I asked but I kind of knew
"Can you get off of me please?" He scared me to by bones. I could feel myself shaking.
"Will you run?"
"No." I probably wouldn't make it across the room before he got to me.
"Ok. But don't try anything or I'll have to tie you up." I wasn't sure if he was joking or not but he let me go.
He stood by the side of the bed and watched me carefully.
"Why are you here?" I asked. Somehow I knew nothing good would come of this. 
"Well your guards asked me to come." Why would they do that? Is he lying.
"Are you going to hurt me?"
"Not if I don't have to."
"Are you going to make me go with them?"
"Why don't you want to go with them, their not going to hurt you?"
"I want to be normal like everyone else."
"I'm here to make you hate me so that you have a reason or goal to work with them."
"Nothing you do to me will work they already tried."
"I just want to tell you that I don't want to do this. You can stop me all you have to do is tell them you will work for them."
"What are you talking about? What are you going to do?" All of a sudden I was scared by what he was saying. He vanished for a second then came back with me sister in his arms he also had a gray bag with him. He put his hand in the bag and pulled of some kind of dust and sprinkled it on her face.
"What is that?" I asked but my voice broken in-between words
"This make people fall into a very deep sleep they can't feel anything at all and nothing can wake them for a few hours."
"What are you doing?" I felt the tears in my eyes. I looked at my sisters face she looked peaceful. But I knew something bad was going to happen
He put the bag in his pocket and then pulled out a small knife. "Skie I don't want to do this but I will if you don't go with them."
"Please don't. Cole my sister is everything to me please don't. She didn't do anything." I begged
He put the knife to her arm and looked at me. "Will you go or not?"
"I want to be normal please don't make me." And right after I said that he looked at my sister and cut her with the knife.

It wasn't deep or big,probably the size of a quarter but it made all the difference to me when I saw that stream of blood come from her and I lost it. I know I couldn't fight him and win. My sister would probably end up more hurt if I tried so I did the only thing I could have. I gave them all what they wanted.
I fell to the floor crying and said "I'll go. I'll go just don't hurt her please. Please I'll go." I just kept saying it and he vanished and I cried and cried when he came back my sister wasn't with him.

He came over to me and tried to hug me but I pushed him in the chest and said "You hurt her. You monster. Get away from me." I was still crying so the words didn't come out as mean as I wanted but he just ignored me and put me in his lap and hugged me it took me a while to calm down but when I did I realized that he was saying something.
"I'm so sorry I didn't want to do it I really didn't. I'm so sorry." I pulled back a little so I could look in his eyes and I saw nothing but remorse. "We're all just peaces to them after all. Now you're their queen. And they've started moving you to take out the king." He whispered it and I didn't understand him so I focused on what mattered to me.
"Is she ok?" I asked after a second
"Ya I healed her she won't know any of this happened."

He held me for a few more seconds then he picked me up and put me in bed. Whipped a few tears from my face and I fell asleep without wanting to. I remember him sitting on the edge of my bed watching me as I feel asleep.
Today I look back and think about how right he was when he said this was a game and that I was the queen. I guess it don't take a rocket scientist to figure out he's the king. It still surprises me how much work they put into their little queen only so that the pawn could be the one to take out the true king. But then again it's not taking anything out. It's ending the game.
But anyways that's my weakness I would do anything for the people I love and now Cole and the guards knew it. My only worried that they will use it to make me do stuff again.
Everyone has a weakness it just depends if you can overcome it and figure out what it is. Trust me knowing what your weaknesses are can make you a lot stronger.

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