Me a vampire

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Laying there and feeling the blood being sucked from u is the most interesting thing that's ever happened to me. You can hear it and feeling. I heard screaming but it toke me a while to realize that it was coming from me. Then I stopped I didn't try to fight him or anything but I whispered one word to him. "Why?"

And just like that he stopped. I felt his fangs pull out if my skin I felt him breath on my neck. But I didn't move. He finally came to his senses and got off of me he just stared at me for a second then he fell to his knees beside me.

"Skie why didn't you stop me?"

"Because your my partner."

"You idiot." He picked up my head and laid it on his lap

"Did I hurt you?" he asked after a second. Such a stupid question.

"I don't really know but you need to leave before they find out what you did."

"Will you be ok?"

"Ya Cole is coming. He will take me home."

"Ok?" and he left I didn't know how I knew Cole was coming but I did. And not even ten minutes later there he was standing over me.

"Skie?" He looked at me with wide eyes. Then picked me up into him arms.

"Nooo, put me down." I winded. He laughed at me.

"You probably can't even walk."

"Sure I can now put me down." He heisted for a second then set me on my feet.

"You going to let go?" I asked because he still had hold of my arm.

"And what if you fall?"

"I won't." I pulled my arm away from him as I said it. And I started walking home.

Cole stood behind me the whole time watching me. I didn't let him know it but he was getting on my nerves. When I got home I crawled into bed knowing the bite make had already stopping bleeding because of my fast healing, then I realized that Cole hadn't left yet, I couldn't see him but he was in my room. "What are you doing?" I asked after a while.

"I'm...watching you." Honestly what was with him.

"Oh ya that's right stackers watch people when they sleep. What are you watching for exactly?"

"What happened to you Skie?"

"Well I know this guy and one day I'll see him then the next he disappears and I won't see him forever..."

"That is not what I was asking about." he interrupted  "What happened tonight?" I knew he was going to ask me but I didn't want to tell him the truth.

"I tried to fight a dozen vampires at ones and lost." I lied

"Hmm," he came over to me and put his hand on my cheek "when did you start lying to me Skie?" I could feel the heat from his hand it was so warm. It had this smell like midnight when the grass is wet after the rain. How come I never noticed it? I grabbed his hand a sniffed it wow the smell was amazing. I held his hand to me and breathed the smell for a while before I noticed that he was staring at me I blushed and dropped his hand.

I didn't know what to say so I just looked at me hands and picked at my nail which is something I do when I'm nerves. I was glad when he said something but I wasn't happy when he finished. "Are you in any pain at all?"

"No, why would I be?"

"Because you're becoming a vampire."

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