My own world

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Oh yeah I should tell you about the place. If you find this before they find you, at the very least you won't be surprised I guess. Not like I was.
It wasn't to long after I started trusting these humans that my guards came to me. "Skie your the new princess let us go to your world."

"How can you just drop that on me!" I asked freaking out.

"Well we did so let's go." How can they be so careless? And me a princess no way. One of the guards walked up to me and grabbed my arm and covered my eyes. It was just like what Spike did and the same thing happened the feeling of wind and the floor giving out. I tried to pull away from the guard but he just held tighter.
Did they just kidnap me?

When we hit the ground and they let go of me the first thing I saw was a town it was kind of old fashion and each house/building was different it was so amazing. It was like the town of my dreams. It's was perfect. And be on the town was farm land with amazing crops  it was like from a picture.

I turned around to see more and there was a castle make of round stones. The where tons of towers and tile roof. It was a castle that I had always dreamed about my howl life.

"Welcome Skie to Libraz you made it, this is your world." said the guard.

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