A few things explained and even more questions

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Her mom that's not right this can't be right I know Storm she's never been pregnant. She's smarter then that and she would have told me. But more then anything I wanted to know how she knew this because I didn't believe it. And I was kind of hurt because I was thinking she went looking for her real mom because I'm not a good mom.
"No no no mommy stop I love you." Iss cried. Oh shoot I forgot she was in my head.
"How did you find her?"
"A man in town. He knew who I was. And he knew that I'm from the future. He also had the name of my mom with a picture of her. I didn't know it was her because you use her fake name and I was told her real name." I was quite thinking about this. "You mad?"
"No hun. I'm a little bit worried who the man was..."
"It was my dad." She interrupted
"Did you get his name?"
"Yeah, his name was Cole. And I know he's the king of the underworld."

Have you ever seen someone who had magic who got really mad well let's just say I skipped school without explaining anything to my friends I just kind of took off and next thing I knew I was in Cole's house beating his head into the floor. Then a very bright light flashed blinding me and I found myself trapped again in his grasp.
"How long before you realize you can't defeat me?"
"I'm going to kill you."
"Oh hurtful my dear."
"How about you let me up and I'll show you hurtful."
"Sounds like fun but I think I like being dominant. And I love it when your the one I've got under me." This had me like wow way to far.
"What no! Get off me!" I swarmed trying to get out.
"Hey you found me." He said.
"Off!" I spat in his face. He pulled me in his lap and hugged me so I couldn't move my arms.
"Ok but next time you come charging in here looking for a fight, I just want you to remember that I'm stronger then you. And I can control you, so next time we will do what I want instead." This is when I first really realized that I hated Cole and I couldn't wait to kill him.
"Let go of me." He loosened his grip and I started to get out. I was almost away when he grabbed my arm.
"I'm not joking Skie. You will loss and you will be mine. And yes in the future that will be my daughter." He laughed. "I knew you were coming for a long time."

When I left Cole's I had only gotten a few of my questions answered but now I had a million more like, why her, how did he know about Storm, why tell her, and what was his plan for them and me what the hell was he going to do to us all. And that's when I hit me he had planned all of this to the t. From Storm to me getting her daughter. It's why he's watched me all my life and it's why I can't fight him and win........but someone else can.
When I got back to school Iss told me that she had a copy to go to school for me. I asked her what a copy was since I never found out from my sister. She told me a copy was just like it sounds it's a thing that looks exactly like one person but it's not the real one no matter how much it looks like you. She told me a copy takes a lot of magic to make but if it gets killed nothing will happen to you. I asked her how to make one and she told me I've been making them all my life. Every time I go somewhere my body just makes one without me knowing it's how my parents never noticed that I wasn't in bed or how my teachers never mark me absent.

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