New home

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I feel like I'm flying or falling. No I'm wrong I feel heat and I feel like someone is holding me am I being carried? Their dropping me. Soft it's really soft but cold. I'm tired really tired. Did someone just pat me.

When I woke up I was in a room that I didn't know I was on a black leather couch the walls were made of some kind of dark would and the floor had red carpet. There was a wood door, stairs and to door ways and I would guess windows because there was black drapes.

I walked to the wood door as quite as I could because I didn't know if someone else was in this house. I pulled and pulled on the door but I wouldn't open.

So I ran to the drapes the windows where just black you couldn't see anything out of them. Then I heard someone coming downstairs. I looked around fast for a place to hide. But there wasn't anything so I say on the couch. I figured it looked braver then hiding. When they came down stairs I realized that I was only Cole thank God I didn't hide.

"Your awake?" he asked

"Ya how long have I been asleep?" he looks at the clock on the wall and says "About an hour."

"What happened to me?"

"I think you fainted."

"And where am I?" I asked looking around again.

"This would be were I live." We're in the Underworld. A place of darkness and pain. It's a very dangerous place for me to be in. Lots of monsters would want revenge.

"And why am I here?" I need to get out of here. Why would he bring me here.

"What do you remember?"

"Not much just fighting vampires then the rest is kind of blurry." I lied. I remember what Spike did to me and laying on the ground but nothing from there.

"Well your are a vampire. And I took you here so that you wouldn't hurt anyone."

"I'm not a vampire."

"You want to bet." He walled over to me and put his hand on me cheek. The warmth was amazing and the smell like midnight and grass after it rains. I remembered now that this has happened before and like the last time I couldn't help but grab his hand and smell it. I tried to tell myself I shouldn't be doing this but I couldn't help myself.

"Like I said your a vampire." he said after a while "but if you don't mind can I look at your teeth?"

"My teeth? You mean my fangs do I have fangs?" and after I said it I felt around with my tongue to feel the pointing things that they are.

Before I had time to react Cole grabbed me to his chest "Open." he demanded and I did. He cushioned me with his eyes as he reached in will one finger I could fell him touch one of the fangs then I felt it cut his skin. The blood was warm and it was sweet, sweeter then anything I've ever tasted. I wanted so badly to bit down and not let go to hold on to this flavor forever.

I pull his hand out instead and close my mouth fighting with ever part of me, I could not to hurt him. "I think you shouldn't do that again." I say after a while.

"Your very strong for a new born." he replays.

"You meant to do that." now I'm mad why would he do that testing me like that it's not fare I could have really hurt him?

"Well yes but I was doing it for a few reasons and you would never be able to hurt someone you cared about. So you do care about me." He smiles at me. I turned away blushing how dare he that's not fare I know that I care about him but i don't know how he feels about me. And I'm not supposed to have these feelings not for anyone and mostly not for him.
He grabs me face and makes me look at him "It's ok I care about you too." What? What was he saying this is so weird why is he saying this to me? My head is spinning what's going on? He supposed to want to kill me. Nothing makes sense. "I love that color you are blushing." he says as he strokes me cheek. I stare at him no longer able to think. Then reality hits me in the face.

I pull away from him and he looks at me with this look that says I understand. I can't get close to him, not ever. "How long do I have to stay here?"

"Till we control you."

"How are we going to do that?" I asked and he holds out a glass like a whine glass it had something red inside it it looks like whine but the smell is to sweet. He pulled it out of nowhere. But I couldn't help it I grabbed it and drank every drop. "Blood?" I asked when I finished.

"No but it's the closest thing to it. Want more?" I hand him the glass and it fills all by itself. He gives me the glass back and this time I drink more slowly.

And now Coles house was were I lived for a while I miss my family a lot but I knew that I couldn't go back till I could control myself I was gone for a year but Cole told me that this world was a lot faster then mine and it had only been an hour there. I sleep on the couch and do whatever I want Cole leaves me alone in the house sometimes and I hate it when he does because then I get bored and lonely because the house is so big and empty, quite so quite that any noise even from you, it scares you I usually sleep to pass the time and I can't leave the house Cole says it's better if I stay inside but I've tried to find ways out nothing opens it makes me feel like I'm in a cage or prison and I hate it.

One day I was asleep on the couch waiting for Cole it come home when someone shook me I opened my eyes and Spike was there.

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