Attacked Worlds=New Daughters????

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When I got back home thanks to Hinzu who judged the floor dropping out method to get me here. I got dressed not ever look at the time just wanting to go to school and tell my friends about my day well my night or nights. Sorry it's all kind of still confusing.
My night on earth while I was in my world for two days. There I hope you understand that.
Storm met up with me so we could walk together. I left out somethings but I told her about my world and how I was queen. Later that day nick told me my world was under attack I asked him how he knew this and he told me that he was the one attacking us. I would have killed him if not for the school full of people and the fact the Storm was holding me back, it was her best friend.
I used my study hall to leave and go to my world.
I was expecting the worst but when I got there everything was fine. I ran to find someone and ended up finding Hinzu.
"You found out?" he asked
"I got here as fast as I could but everything seems fine." I say looking around
"Yes I already had people fixing everything. But there's a bigger problem I don't believe that they where here to attack us but to distract us."
"What do you mean?"
"There wasn't a real fight. And they left a child behind. We can't sent her back."
"Show me." I said wanting to see the child. He did a hand gesture and a crib appeared between us. A small girl only a couple weeks old was inside. She had brown curly hair and big princess blue eyes. Her skin was surprisingly very white. I reached out to pick her up but Hinzu grabbed my arm.
"Stop every time someone touches her they get shocked badly." But something told me to hold her so I ignored him and carefully picked her up. "All be dam." he whispered when nothing happened.
The little girl smiled at me and pulled at my hair. I gave her my finger and she held it like it was the most important thing in the world. I was careful with her head as I held her close to me. And she feel asleep right in my arms.
"Where are her parents?" I asked after looking at her for a while.
"No idea. No one is claiming her."
"Well then I am she can stay her at the palace with me."
"Are you sure my dear?"
That's how I ended up with my daughter Isabel. I called her Iss but that was a name that she only let me call her. She grow up fast living in a world that was faster then mine I would leave for only 16hours to find that she had grown a year or two. And I didn't know how to be there for her that well. I was more of a long time friend to her. But she called me mom. And she never left my side when I was there. She would sleep in my bed when she had nightmares.
And when I was away Hinzu thought her how to be a princess. He was her teacher for school. No one outside of the palace knew much about her. And she did what she wanted, she would walk around town careful not to answer to many questions about herself.
The one main thing that everyone knew was that she was my secret from the guards and everyone helped me hide her.
I told Storm about my little girl and showed her the one picture I had or her at 8 months old. And I hide her name from Nick knowing he was looking for her. The problem was something was attaching my human world but not my whole world but my friends. And one day Storm told me that she had been put in a love spell.
After this had happened to me I couldn't let her fall for a demon and since she was human she couldn't fight the spell like me. It would tear her apart if I didn't do something so I did the only thing I could think of I turned her into a slayor. But not any slayor but one with my kind of magic running through her. So intern I was her magical mom.
It seemed weird how every time my world got attacked I ended up with a daughter but that's how it went. And those two girls will be waiting for you. I hope you get to meet them soon and that you can have kids if you're own. Even if it's really unlikely to happen. After all our kind barely ever survive long enough to have kids of their own, but I believe that you are going to change everything.

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